- There are several problems related to the properties of the triangular mesh representation that describes a surface of an object. Sometimes, the surface is represented just as a set of triangles without any other information and the STL file
- 使用有限元方法求解漫射方程,其中所需要的三维有限元网格来自netgen软件。压缩包中包含了网格数据文件和源代码。代码运行之前首先要注意修改源代码中的网格文件的存放路径。-solve the diffusion equation with finite method,the mesh which is used in it is generated by netgen。A matlab source code and a mesh file is include in it. The mesh f
- 读入COMSOL软件所生成的三维mphtxt四面体网格文件,读入相关网格的节点、四面体单元,边界信息。调用此函数时应将包含相关的路径与文件名的字符串作为输入参数。包中包含了一个m函数文件与一个示例网格数据文件。-read the information of 3-d tetrahedron mesh file--*.mphtxt generated by COMSOL. The input parameter is the path and name of mesh file. A matlab
- 3马赫气流吹拂圆柱体,二维非结构化网格,网格自适应优化,Matlab代码,无粘-Mach 3 airflow blowing cylinder, two-dimensional unstructured grids, adaptive mesh optimization, Matlab code, inviscid