- IEEE802.11n是无线局域网技术的最新标准,介绍了基于802.11n的MIMO(多入多出)、OFDM(正交频分复用)和双频带等无线通信系统的关键技术,分析了在802.11n标准下WLAN的安全问题,通过数据加密、双向认证、动态WEP密钥和虚拟专用网络等方法,提出了基于802.11n的WLAN安全解决方案。 -IEEE802.11n is the latest wireless LAN technology standard introduced based on 802.11n, MIMO
- the effects of neural network aided estimation in such receivers are considered. Neural network acts as a pre-processing block to the estimator.-Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has high data rate capacity and lower Inter Symbo
- method based on Neural Network (NN) technique and accompanied with MMSE (Minimum Mean Square Error), which corrects at the receiver level, the Non-Linear (NL) distortions due to the HPA (High Power Amplifier).-In this paper, we present a meth