- php中图片上传打水印,可以打文字水印和图片水印,同时能够生成大图和小图的程序,暨缩略图和原图的程序源码-php upload pictures to play in the watermark, the watermark can play text and image watermark, and can generate a large map and small map of the program, cum thumbnails and full size of the program
- 用于对比电子称文档的小程序!含源码!我记得是适用于托利多系统的电子称文档!-For the comparison of electronic documents, said small program! With source code! I remember it was applied to Toledo, said the system of electronic documentation!
- 小管家超市进销存管理系统,功能齐全,自己参照源码修改而成,使用MFC开发,学习windows程序设计的朋友可以参考一番-Butler supermarket inventory management system of small, functional and made their own light source changes, the use of MFC development, learning windows programming can refer
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