- 这里我们针对三级固体火箭进行研究,主要考虑每一级发动机工作时推力 和比冲 与发动机试车存在摄动偏差(相差 )时所产生火箭关机点时刻的状态偏差。火箭的飞行的动力学方程可建立在地面发射坐标系中,火箭的第一级、第二级和第三级按照固定的俯仰角程序飞行,第二、三级飞行时已在大气层外,此时可忽略气动力的影响。-Here we study for three solid rocket, the main consideration at every level when the engine thrust a
Assignment 3
- In this report, we study on the intermodal transportation system of Pearl River Delta city group. In the system, each city is regarded as a node. For convenience, we remove some unimportant cities and simplify the system from 14 nodes to 5 nodes. Bec