- 这是汽车速度控制系统的设计方案,注释不是很多,但是比较简单明白,可以看的懂-This is the vehicle speed control system design, the Notes are not many, but relatively simple to understand, can see to understand
- 控制领域非常棒的书,搞控制的必须学习。针对Design for Underactuated and Nonlinear Marine Systems,Khac Duc Do • Jie Pan这两个人必须知道!-Researchers Khac Duc Do and Jie Pan have published a sequence of journal and conference papers on new control algorithms for underactuated
- 基于UML的汽车安全带提示控制系统建模. 设计要求: 若未系安全带,亮红灯提示; 车辆行驶速度小于10km/h,红灯不闪烁,蜂鸣器不发声;大于10km/h,红灯闪烁,蜂鸣器发声,但是行驶时间超过5分钟,则蜂鸣器停止发声,红灯亮,不闪烁。 倒车时,红灯灭 系上安全带,红灯灭-UML-based control system modeling of vehicle seat belt tips. Design requirements: If you do not wear se
- PID控制器设计,提供非常优良的算法,传统的整定法-piduse of the model reference adaptive control method! Lypanuov stability theory used to design Parameter adjustment
- 设计一个十字路口的交通灯控制电路,要求东西方向车道和南北方向车道两条交叉道路上的车辆交替运行,每次通行时间都设为45秒-Design of a crossroads of traffic lights control circuit, require lane east-west direction and cross the two-lane north-south direction on the road to the turn of the vehicle running time of
- 关于十字路*通灯的设计,主要控制红绿灯倒计时显示-On the design, intersection traffic lights countdown display control
- 自动交通控制系统算法设计Automatic traffic control system algorithm design-Automatic traffic control system algorithm design Automatic traffic control system algorithm design
- 任务 1、实现航班查询功能 2、实现机票预订功能 训练的技能点 1、利用控件设计窗体 2、利用 ADO.NET 查询和操作数据库 3、利用 DataGridView 显示数据 -Task 1, to achieve flight search function 2, ticket booking capabilities to achieve the skills training points 1, 2, using the control design t
- Quatus下用Verilog语言编写的双向交通灯控制系统,内含程序及波形图,注释详细,课程设计-Verilog language Quatus two-way traffic light control system, containing program and waveforms, detailed annotations, curriculum design
- 游轮搜索网站前台界面设计。包含DW自带的spyr控件验证。-Cruise search site front interface design. DW comes spyr control verification.
- 基于H_inf、mu Synthesis的鲁棒控制,车辆的稳定性控制-Robust H_inf based vehicle steering control design、mu Synthesis Robust Control
- 用于测量工程的控制网平差,具有水准测量、二三维控制测量、碎部测量、断面测量、道路和桥梁测设、工程放样等外业测量作业模块-Control network adjustment, with the standard of measurement for measurement engineering, surveying operations of the two three-dimensional control surveying, broken the Ministry of measurem
- MATLAB 优化设计黄金分割程序,PID控制仿真程序,适用于曲柄滑块机构-The MATLAB optimization design gold segmentation procedures, PID control simulation program, applicable to the slider-crank mechanism
- 简易固定翼飞机纵向和侧向飞行控制系统设计仿真,dat0-dat9分别为9个不同参数飞机的相关参数文件-Simple fixed-wing aircraft longitudinal and lateral flight control system design and simulation, dat0-dat9 were nine different parameters related to aircraft parameter file
- verilog 语言写的交通灯设计源代码,实现左转灯、红灯、绿灯、黄灯转换,并且提供手动控制按钮-verilog language source code for design of traffic lights, turn left to achieve lights, red light, green light, yellow light conversion, and provides manual control buttons
- 导航制导与控制方面国内外最新文章,文章详细介绍了导航控制方面的最新成果,文章页给出了控制算法的设计。-Navigation guidance and control aspects of the latest domestic articles, article details the latest achievements of the navigation control, the article page shows the control algorithm design.
- 交通信号灯的软件设计,通过程序控制89C51单片机的定时器/计数器实现交通指示功能-Traffic signal software design, implementation, program control traffic indicator 89C51 microcontroller timer/counter
- 悬臂梁基础固支端水平方向受到振动强度RMS值为1g的高斯随机激励,有效激振频带为200Hz。要求设计合适的振动控制方案,使得在控制器的作用下,该悬臂梁自由端的随机振动响应具有良好的抑制效果。-Gaussian basis cantilever clamped horizontally by the end of the vibration intensity 1g RMS value of random excitation, the effective excitation band of 2
- 自动驾驶仪是用来稳定与控制飞机角运动和重心运动的一种飞行自动控制系统。-Autopilot is used to stabilize and control the aircraft angular motion and the center of gravity of a flight automatic control system.
- 针对某些导弹在对目标进行打击时需要满足零脱靶量和攻击角度约束的要求,首先基于终端滑模控制和有限时间控制理论,改进了一种快速收敛的非奇异终端滑模函数,用于设计滑模面,结合自适应指数趋近律,提出了一种自适应非奇异终端滑模控制方法。(For some missile needs to meet the zero miss distance and attack angle constraint requirements in the attack on the target, based on the