- 此源码为汽车数据采集分析系统,根据日本双轮检测器的数据,暂时没有上传data.DLL,因为这个和采集卡相关联。-this source for the automotive data acquisition and analysis system, according to the Japan Bicycle detector data, there are no upload data.DLL because the acquisition card and linked.
- 这是本人学习JAVA操作XML文件时编写的小软件,数据存储采用XML文件格式,路线搜索采用图搜索算法。(对XML的操作采用jdom),这是较早前写的代码了,近来比较忙也没有再做修改,我在个人blog上发过编译后的jar包,很多人想要源码,所以这次就上传上来了:) -this is my learning Java operating XML documents prepared by small software, data storage using XML document format
- 该程序在VC++和C环境下都可运行,上传时我用的DOC上传的大家使用时可把该文本中的程序直接复制到相应的环境下就可以运行-procedures in the VC and C environment can be run, I used to upload the DOC uploaded when you can use the version of the copy directly to the corresponding environment can be running
- 本源码是一个用于卫星数据处理的程序,程序把给定的文本和二进制文件按照要求生成fits文件,(fits是国际航空的一种通用格式,其文件可有fv软件打开),此源码运行后,把我上传的intern6中的文件加载,然后自己定义一个搬移目录和产品生成目录,就可以按要求生成fits文件,生成的文件需用专用软件打开,如fv,可以在网上下载(有些大,上传不方便)-this is a source for satellite data processing procedures, procedures have t
- 实现道路电子警察的抓拍对照片进行分析并上传直服务器实现智能的闯红灯记录-Implementation of electronic road police capture and upload photos directly to analyze intelligence through a red light to achieve record server
- 实现ftp多线程上传大量图片以及非常规范的代码-Ftp multithreaded upload a lot of pictures and very standardized code
- 四周飞行器控制原理代码。,参考Atmel 的TWI 例子修改的,执行的功能包括BootLoader 签名验证,上传代码的CRC16 校验验证,跳转到用户区等功能-Four weeks aircraft control theory code. Reference to examples of Atmel TWI modify, perform the functions including BootLoader signature verification, upload code CRC1
- 通过与车通讯,获取can总线数据,计算所需功能函数,实现应用数据的读取和上传-Communicate with the car, the bus can get the data, calculate the required performance function, to read application data and upload
- 多普勒信号有很多种,我这里上传的是通过常规函数构造出一个理想的多普勒信号,多普勒信号是用其频移来进行计算的,一般是激光干涉仪等出来多普勒信号-Doppler signal there are many, I am here to upload a laser Doppler interferometer signal out through conventional function construct an ideal Doppler signal, the Doppler frequency