- skill语言在Cadence平台二次开发中大量使用,在IC设计中也有应用。 本文关键词:SKILL Cadence SKILL开发程序源码大集合,共有84个功能实现-skill language in the second Cadence platform for the large-scale use development, in IC design is also applied. This paper Keywords : SKILL Cadence SKILL-source de
- 计算电路中晶体管的关键参数。 界面友好,功能实用。-a useful tools to calculate the scale of mos transistor. This Program is dedicated to calculate the Parameters of the MOSFET in analog IC design. Microsoft .net framework 2.0 or above is needed. 1) Input every THREE
- IC设计SPEC定义的方法,这个对SA特别重要,很有参考意义-IC design method of defining the SPEC, this is especially important to SA, is of great reference significance