- 这是一个典型的不稳多谐振荡器电路。掌握好此电路对以后学习大有好处。 -This is a typical unstable multi-vibrator circuit. After mastering this circuit is to learn a lot of good.
- 半导体IC集成电路测试程序:该程序主要基于chroma 3360D平台上开发用于测试LED横流驱动类集成电路;-The semiconductor IC testing program: This program is mainly based on the the the chroma 3360D platform developed for the test LED crossflow drive class integrated circuit
- this a systerm s application based on PIC16F877A, whitch represent a kind of intelligent solar led streetlight.the hard ware circuit are buck and boost converters. -this is a systerm s application based on PIC16F877A, whitch represent a kind of intel