- VFP9迷你版 从完整安装盘里抽取出来的,安装时是带索列号安装的,打了全部的补丁,经实验把这几个文件单独弄出来,COPY到其它机器可以直接用,希望对有兴趣的人有所帮助。-VFP9miniversion From the complete installation plate extracted, installation cable installation is the column number, played all patches, the experiment took thi
- 光缆信息数据库设计与开发,本科毕业论文,仅供参考。-Cable Information Database design and development, undergraduate thesis, for informational purposes only.
- 题库管理系统是信息管理系统,其开发的功能主要包括:通过计算机管理题库档案,过强大的查询和索检高效的索检出数据,提高办事效率。-itembank management system is the information management system, the development of the main features include: itembank archives through computer management, strong query and cable detect
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- I used to work with scales and mscomm. To aid us we had written a Scale Emulator in VFP. To use it you need a COM cable and 2 ports. The Scale Emu sits on one port and sends its output and the MSComm sits on the other port and accepts input.
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