- 小型网吧管理系统,可实现上下机,会员管理,结算功能-small Internet cafe management system can be realized next machine, Member management, clearing functions
- 这是visual FoxPro的一些编程实例,具体功能有很多,想知道,就下再看看,对学习vfp很有帮助-This is the visual FoxPro programming examples, there are many specific functions and would like to know, on the next take a look at the study and helpful Probe
- 档案信息管理系统,在DELPHI7下通过,另有RATIONAL ROSE2003的建模 首先需要启动Sql Server 2000服务器 然后再配置ODBC数据源,新建一个数据源将其命名为ArchDB, 它指向Sql server 2000的主数据库master。 接下来直接运行编译好的ArchManager.exe执行文件, 然后在启动窗口中选择恢复数据库(ArchDB.dat)。 最后即可以直接进入该软件。-records information management
- 光盘上的示例程序都是在Delphi7.0和SQL Server 2000个人版下调试通过的,使用的操作系统是Microsoft Windows 2000(Professional)-on the CD are examples of procedures in Delphi and SQL Server 2000 Personal the next version of the debugging, the operating system is Microsoft Windows 2000 (
- 用pb做的财务管理系统,功能齐全,喜欢的就下吧,Pb to do with the financial management system, full-featured, like it on the next
- Delphi下SQLite编程初探, 在DELPHI 环境下结合sqlite数据库进行编程开发。-SQLite Delphi programming of the next, under the environment of the DELPHI Programming sqlite database.
- Generating next numbers in SQLServer should not be a problem. But problems arise when a customer asks for different types of next numbers that you cannot generate directly from SQL Server. This brief article describes how you would tackle this proble
- 数据库存储过程成千上百的的时候,不可能一个一个跟新,上面的bat文件可以轻松的把相对路径下的存储过程全部更新。-Database stored procedure hundreds of times, it is not possible with the new one by one, the above bat file can be a relatively easy path to the next full update of the stored procedure.
- 本人收集到的流水帐软件!小巧实用,希望对大家有说帮助.-I collected itemized account in next software! Compact utility, in the hope that we have that help.
- 网吧系统管理,大家好好看看,这也是我下别人的,不好意思,我了换别人的源码,只好上传了这个.-Internet cafe system management, a good look at everyone, this is my next of others, I am sorry, I had for other people s source, had no choice but to upload this.
- 专项拨款逐级下发系统的主要功能:对专项拨款申请系统审批通过的专项拨款进行资金下发和签收,系统通过前端通讯平台,自动接收由上一级部门下发的专项拨款信息,并可进行签收确认。-Earmarked for the next level hair core functions of the system: the system of special funding applications approved by the funds earmarked under the hair and the sig
- 毕业设计:VC++\SQL 2000 《文档管理系统》主要用于对企业的文档进行有效管理,其主要包括基本信息、文档管理和系统设置。系统的功能性强,操作灵活,是您企业进行文档管理的最佳帮手。 操作注意事项 用户在使用《文档管理系统》之前,应注意以下事项: (1)在登录系统之前应先附加数据库,否则无法运行。 (2)本系统的初始用户名为:mr,密码为:mrsoft。 (3)本系统完全支持按〈Enter〉键跳到下一文本框的功能,用户无需再通过鼠标定位光标位置。 -Documen
- HashTable实例 public class HashTable_msg { public HashTable_msg() { String sum_sql="select mobilenum,count(*) from SJSJ_Msg where (left(in_date,6)=(select left(CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 112 ),6)))group by mobilenum" Hashtable<
- 拥有检测数据库是否连接成功的功能,以及第一个记录,前一个记录,下一个记录,以及最后一个的记录的检测以及显示功能.适合初学者.-Whether or not have a database connection Detect function, as well as the first record, previous record, next record, as well as the last record of the detection and display. Suitable for
- 宾馆收费系统,用SQL2005与VS2009制作。是大二下学期的课程设计。比较简单,但可以作为一般大学的课程设计-Hotel fee system, with the production of SQL2005 and VS2009. Is a sophomore next semester curriculum design. Relatively simple, but can be used as general university curriculum design
- VB小型医药进销存管理系统源码,数据库的版本是ACCESS97,如果想使用高版本的ACCESS,可能要对程序做些修改,因为我试图转换的时候,程序提示数据库版本不兼容,你需要修改部分数据库联接代码。 整个程序可以顺利编译,在VB6下。-Invoicing small medicine VB source code management system, database version ACCESS97, if you want to use the higher version of A
- 本程序设计的是一个小型商店每天记的流水帐管理程序,没有具体到销售的每一样商品,只是记载了每一笔的收入和支出情况。经过简单扩充就可以成为一个完整的商店销售管理系统。-This procedure is designed to store a small itemized account in next day' s management procedures in mind, there is no specific to the sale of every commodity, but a
- 学生信息管理系统,附带ACECSS功能强大。。喜欢的下-Student Information Management System, with powerful ACECSS. . Like the next
- 很好的资料!大家分享下!对初学的朋友有一点点的用处,谢谢!-Very good information! To share with you the next! The friends of learning a little bit of usefulness, thank you!
- The book uses a task-oriented structure that allows you to work through the steps necessary to install MySQL 4.1 on Linux and Windows platforms, create and manage MySQL databases, query and manipulate data stored in those databases, administer th