- This document discusses the architecture and use of the NI CAN Demo Box, and provides examples for software.
- The NI CAN Demo Box, when communicating with National Instruments Controller Area Network (CAN) and National Instruments Data Acquisition (DAQ) hardware on a PC, provides a tool to demonstrate concepts of CAN communication, DAQ, and CAN/DAQ syn
- 基于MFC的数据库扫描软件,在安装sql server机器上运行编译,可以扫面内网中所有的SQLServer服务器实例,包括服务器的IP地址、端口。并进行弱口令暴力破解。-请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Jīyú MFC de shùjùkù sǎomiáo ruǎnjiàn, zài ānzhuāng sql server jīqì shàng yùnxíng biānyì, kěyǐ sǎo miàn nèi wǎng zhōng suǒyǒu de SQLServer