- commons-pool-1.5.4 RELEASE NOTES This is a patch release containing a fix for POOL-152, a regression introduced in version 1.5. Changes in this version include: Fixed Bugs: o POOL-152: GenericObjectPool can block forever in borrowObjec
- 原则上这不能说是一个持久层框架,它提供了一些Jdbc的操作封装来简化数据查询和记录读取操作。代码非常简洁,如果你厌烦了Hibernate的庞大,不妨可以试试——DbUtils。-The Commons DbUtils library is a small set of classes designed to make working with JDBC easier. JDBC resource cleanup code is mundane, error prone work so these
- Amoeba属于分布式数据库代理开发框架,专注于分布式数据库 proxy 开发。座落与Client、DB Server(s)之间。对客户 端透明。具有负载均衡、高可用性、sql过滤、读写分离、可路由相关的query到目标数据库、可并发请 求多台数据库合并结果。-Amoeba is a kind of framework about distribute database proxy development that between client and DB server(s).Feat
- This library include solutions for standards logging, unittesting, template engine and a lot more of easy use functionality: * PLSQLLogging is Logging Framework * PLSQLUnitTest is UnitTesting? Framework * PLSQLMapCollection is Collection