- Segmentation of structure in medical images is an important research topic. It has applications in patient diagnoses, image-guided surgery, and medical data visualization. One approach to solving this problem is the use of active contours or \s
- Image-guided surgery is one other important application of segmentation. Recent advances in technology have made it possible to acquire images of the patient while the surgery is taking place. The goal is then to segment relevant regions of int
- MYSQL ☆服务器操作系统:支持跨平台运行.Windows,Linux/Unix 使用方法: 1.进phpmyadmin新建数据库,然后导进压缩包里的.SQL数据库备份文件 2.打开db文件夹修改里面的数据库连接文件conn.php,把里面的表改成自己上一步建好的数据库,成功连接就可使用. 功能特点: ☆操作方便实用,通用性强,可适用于各类专卖店管理 ☆可以自由添加,修改用户信息,密码等. ☆可以对货物的进出货进行的增加,修改,删除和查询 ☆出货销售的时候同时实现库存的更改和销售记录的添加 ☆