- This program uses the database created by MakeAPIDB. It opens a connection * to a database using the same property file used by MakeAPIDB. Then it * queries that database in several interesting ways to obtain useful * information about Java
- 分页技术,支持各种数据库的分页,提供接口和实现类-Paging technology, supports a variety of database page, providing interface and implementation class
- 主要是用Dtree.js做的一个树形结构,有利于大家都学习和共同进步。用到了数据库,主要有Student和Class两张表,通过Class可以动态的获得Student的信息-Dtree.js is mainly used to do a tree structure is conducive to all learning and common progress. Use a database, there are Student and Class 2 form, through the Cl
- /* This java class create four tables with all theirs fields and insert them inside a mysql database name timelog. This code works with MySql Database with Mysql Java Connector the mysql-connector-java-3.2.0-alpha */-/* This java class create four ta
- HashTable实例 public class HashTable_msg { public HashTable_msg() { String sum_sql="select mobilenum,count(*) from SJSJ_Msg where (left(in_date,6)=(select left(CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 112 ),6)))group by mobilenum" Hashtable<
- java做的数据库课程设计方案,连接数据库为SQLServer2000。能实现学生学籍管理,包括学籍录入、查询、修改、删除、删除。还有学生成绩的增删改查,以及对用户权限的增删改查,功能完全,课设成绩为优秀,欢迎参考,抄袭后果自负。-java program to do the database design, database connectivity SQLServer2000. Students to achieve school management, including school e
- 数据库课程的LAB2,要求实现从excel文件读出内容并将其写入Oracle数据库-database class lab2, read text from excel and write it to oracle
- 測試JDBC 語資料庫的連結是成功,使用命令提是自原編譯完成後 產生class檔案即可測試-測試JDBC 語資料庫的連結是成功
- jOOQ generates a simple Java representation of your database schema. Every table, view, stored procedure, enum, UDT is a class. jOOQ implements an easy-to-use active record pattern. It is NOT an OR-mapper, but provides a 1:1 mapping between tables/vi
- JAVA文件: 1.操作类FileOperator:有创建,查找,删除文件的功能,也支持动态的把TXT文件编译成CLASS文件,并加载使用。 2.sql_Manipulator类: 支持一般的数据库操作。 3.ClassMapToTable类 支持把JAVA类映射成数据库中的数据表形式的操作。-The class of this FileOperator: Be able to create, search and delete files. Also, it i
- java+mysql ,模块编程,初学者了解企业级开发的好例子-java+ mysql, module programming, beginners to understand a good example of enterprise-class development.
- oracle proc 数据库实现实体类,用C++实现类似java bean的功能-The the oracle proc database entity class, C++ like java bean function
- 收集了java项目开中常用数据库工具操作类,方法非常全,可应用在大部份java 项目中。-Java project collected commonly used tool operation open class, method is very wide, can be used in most of the java project.
- 定义一个名为MyRectangle的矩形,类中有四个私有整型域,分别是矩形的左上角坐标(xUp,yUp)和右下角坐标(xDowm,yDown);类中定义没有参数的构造方法和有四个int参数的构造方法,用来初始化类对象。(A rectangle named MyRectangle is defined with four private integer domains in the class, the xUp (yUp) of the rectangle, and the xDowm (yDow
- 编写程序实现简单成绩管理。所有数据存储在数据库中;要求能够统计每门课程的平均分及各分数段的人数,也能按班级统计每门课的平均分及各分数段的人数;能够按学号或姓名查询学生考试成绩,也能按分数段查询学生。(Write a program to achieve simple performance management. All data are stored in the database; it is required to be able to count the average score of