- 学习使用SQLite3的很好的资料,SQLite3由于其小型化,无须配置,开源的特性越来越受到嵌入式方向的青睐。-Today, there are millions and millions of copies of SQLite running unnoticed inside computers and gadgets made by hundreds of companies from around the world. You have probably used SQLite
- The book uses a task-oriented structure that allows you to work through the steps necessary to install MySQL 4.1 on Linux and Windows platforms, create and manage MySQL databases, query and manipulate data stored in those databases, administer th
- PostgreSQL 是世界上最优秀的开放源码的数据库之一,是完全免费的数据库,不需要任何版权费用和购买费。因此,它是许多Linux发行版本的首选,例如: Redhat、TurboLinux都预装了PostgreSQL。 PostgreSQL兼容性很强,如果是SQL92兼容的,移植PostgreSQL非常简单和快捷。 -PostgreSQL is the world s most outstanding one of the open source database, is complete
- 在项目组用了一个星期的时间配置好了RAC。因为之前没有经验,所以中间走了很多的弯路。也是从GOOGLE上使劲使劲在使劲才磕磕绊绊的弄好了-In the project team spent a week' s time configured RAC. Because there is no prior experience, so take a lot of detours middle. Also from GOOGLE on the hard hard hard before stum