- 系统主要由考勤机和考勤软件两部分组成,考勤机集成了发卡机、读写器、和数据传输卡,可以脱离微机单独使用,其大容量、高可靠性的存储能力,足以应付人数众多的单位使用;高度集成、功能强大的考勤软件让原本枯燥、繁琐的考勤管理变得轻松、愉快 -System primarily by attendance and attendance software is composed of two parts, attendance card issuing machine integrates machine, r
- system是我酒店管理系统的成品。。。又能力的反编可以得到更多资料。。。一个可是化课操作的窗口,同样是vb与Acce-system that I finished Hotel Management System. . . Also the capacity of the anti-series can be more information. . . However, the operation of a window class is also a vb and acce
- ODBC方法连接Access数据库(需设置数据源)的三国人物管理系统.本人以初学者的身份写的,紧供菜鸟们参考,达人们大可无视-Ways to connect Access database ODBC (need to set the data source) of the Three Kingdoms characters management system. I am a beginner in his capacity as the writing, tight菜鸟们for referenc
- 图书销售管理系统作为计算机应用的一部分,使用计算机对书籍销售进行管理,具有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点.例如:检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等。这些优点能够极大地提高商场货物管理的效率,也是科学化、正规化管理的重要条件-Book sales management system as part of computer applications, using a computer to manage sales of books, with the manual ma
- 根据小型书店的规模和经济能力本系统具有书店管理系统的基本功能如图书管理入库管理销售管理综合查询系统管理等并且界面简单操作简便。-According to the size of a small bookstore and economic capacity of the system has the bookstore management system' s basic functions such as library management warehouse management s
- 开发一个关于产能运算和生产排程的系统,以计算生产能力及模式化排产,-Development of an operational capacity and production scheduling system to calculate the capacity and mode of scheduling.
- 该源程序能够实现MYSQL数据库内大数据容量带来的系统性能低下的缺点,既能够降低系统数据冗余的缺点,又能够实现数据库表按照时间片原则进行分表的功能...程序可以在mysql5环境下运行.-The source can be achieved within the MYSQL database, large data capacity of poor performance caused by shortcomings of the system, both to reduce the short
- 单本小说程序Mybook 1.2 系统特点: 1:支持分卷、分卷阅读 2:无后辍访问(xxxx.com/read/2,xxxx.com/read/1),对搜索引挚友好。 3:小巧精悍。一个10M的空间即可安装,数据库容量取决小说的章节的内容字数多少。 4:章节阅读页面支持键盘左右键浏览上一篇下一篇。 5:系统采用.NET 缓存,提高访问速度和减轻服务器压力。 -Single copies of the novel procedure Mybook 1.2