- 数据结构中关于单链表的算法,将两个链表有序链合并成一个非递归有序的单链表,并不占用其他的存储空间,data structure of single-chain algorithm Listless and orderly of the two chains merged into a non- recursive and orderly single linked list, does not occupy other storage space
- 构造一个图,至少有四个结点,实现图的非递归深度优先遍历,存储、初始化也包括在内。-Construct a map, at least four nodes, to achieve non-recursive depth-first traversal, the memory, the initialization is also included.
- 要求建立图的邻接表存储结构,输入或存储任意一个无向图,显示图的深度优先搜索遍历路径(非递归)和广度优先搜索遍历路径。- U8981 u5E8 u5E8 u5E8 u6EF u6EF u4E00 u4E2A u65E0 u653 U56FE uFF0C u663E u793A u56FE u7684 u6DF1 u5EA6 u4F18 u5148 u641C u7D22 u904D u5386 u8DEF u5EA U5138 u641C