- sqllite使用教程和源码,sqllite使用教程和源码 使用教程和源码-sqllite the use of tutorials and source code, sqllite the use of tutorials and source code using the tutorials and source code using the tutorials and source code
- 最新的sqlite3.6.2源代码,完整版本。sqlite3是一个强大的嵌入式数据库。在嵌入式系统的中广泛使用,比起其他C/S、B/S结构的数据库。sqlite3更简洁,占用资源更少。-Sqlite3.6.2 the latest source code, full version. sqlite3 is a powerful embedded database. Embedded systems in widespread use when compared with other C/S, B
- 学习使用SQLite3的很好的资料,SQLite3由于其小型化,无须配置,开源的特性越来越受到嵌入式方向的青睐。-Today, there are millions and millions of copies of SQLite running unnoticed inside computers and gadgets made by hundreds of companies from around the world. You have probably used SQLite
- Windows下使用,用于打开编辑sqlite数据库. 功能很强大. 中文绿色,简单适用,用到sqlite的不妨试试.-Windows, use, used to open sqlite database editing. Powerful. Chinese green, a simple application to use sqlite' s worth a try.
- 这是我在最近一段时间内学习SQLite的一些资料,有SQLite简介、SQLite的简单使用、SQLite3 C/C++ 开发接口简介(API函数)、在VC下使用SQLite等等,这些资料让我很快地入门,对我来说很有帮助,所以上传跟大家一起分享。-This is what I learn in the most recent SQLite some information About a SQLite, SQLite s simple to use, SQLite3 C/C++ programm
- sqllite studio不是sqlite,它用于管理sqlite,多平台兼容,需要安装其他附属包支持-this is s sqlite asistant program compatible multiple os, very useful for SQL command