- 语音采样分帧,进行基音检测,以抽取的lpc参数对语音信号进行重建-The speech sample is segmented and processed by the LPC and pitch detection blocks. The synthesized speech is reconstructed from the extracted parameters.
- 编写一Matlab函数,用30ms三角窗和15ms帧移计算语音信号的STFT。并用OLA法重建原始信号。设计一种基于OLA的综合方法,以通过重复每帧对语音信号以因子2进行时域扩展。-Write a Matlab function, STFT and 30ms triangular window and 15ms frame-shift calculation of the speech signal. And the OLA method to reconstruct the original
- 根据小波变换后的模极大值 重建原始信号-To reconstruct the original signal based on wavelet transform modulus maxima
- 利用小波变换极大值,重建源信号。包含主程序和三段子功能函数,使用小波变换进行六级分解,求出模极大值,并利用这些极大值重建源信号。-Using the wavelet transform maximum and reconstruction of source signals.Contains the main program and three jokes functions, six levels of decomposition using the wavelet transform and
- 利用matlab完成了对语音信号的重建,并针对重建信号进行了包括变速,变调等多种处理,适合初学语音信号的人参考。-Using matlab complete reconstruction of the speech signal, and for the reconstruction of signals, including a variety of processing speed, pitch, etc., suitable for beginners who voice signal r
- 压缩感知一维信号的重建代码,用于不同M值下的一维信号曲线的观察-The reconstruction of compressed sensing one-dimensional signal for the observation of one-dimensional signal curves under different M values
- 梅尔倒谱系数,用于计算语音信号的特征系数,然后使用这些特征系数对语音信号进行重建-MFCC,one algorithme to calculater the feature of voice signal, ad we can use these features to reconstruct voice signal