- VC和prolog联合开发的prolog的编译器.是我的毕业设计,河海大学2006届毕业生的优秀毕业设计.以下是论文的一部分: 第三章 VC++与PROLOG的接口 一.接口方案及准备工作 在这里,我所采用的接口方案是直接调用库函数.PROLOG系列语言中,有一种叫Amzi PROLOG的,提供了较完善的库函数接口.在我的毕业设计中,我所采用的是Amzi PROLOG 5.0版本所提供的库函数接口,所引用的文件为Amzi.h,amzi.dll,amzi.lib.这些文件可以通过下载
- The tool shows a simple Clipboard viewer application. There are several examples of Clipboard usage in MSDN documents. With them, I have made this tool as a spy to understand and debug Clipboard exchanges. It uses a particular feature of linking an a
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- HTK 3.4.1 windows下可执行文件-HTK 3.4.1 executive bin files for windows
- MPI2-1-2的用户指南,内含MPI在windows、Linux下的安装方法介绍,pdf格式-MPI2-1-2 User' s Guide, containing MPI in the windows, Linux installation method under the introduction, pdf format
- wxWidgets is a C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures as well as several mobile platforms including Windows Mobile, iPhone SDK and embedded GTK+. It has popular langua
- Cint(C/C++ interpreter, C-int)是一个C++解释器,顾名思义,和GCC、VC等编译器不同,它是解释执行C++代码的。我们可以利用它来让我们的程序支持解释C++语言。 附带源码-Cint (C/C++ interpreter, C-int) is a C++ interpreter, by definition, and the GCC, VC and other compiler different, it is interpreted C++ code. We
- This small article is about how to write in assembler for Windows 64-bit, it isn t ment for the IA64 but the new 64-bit version of x86 environment