- 数论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 数论算法库,包括以下算法: 欧几里德算法求a,b的最大公倍数 扩展的欧几里德算法,求出gcd(a,b)和满足gcd(a,b)=ax+by的整数x和y 求解模线性方程 ax ≡ b (mod n) 其中n>0 求解模线性方程组(中国余数定理) 模取幂运算 计算a^b mod n (a,b可能很大) Miller-Rabin随机性素数测试算法
- .data val1 sword 0 val sword -276 .code main proc mov ax,val cwd mov bx,10 idiv bx mov val1,ax call writebin call crlf mov ax,dx call writebin exit main endp end main
- ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习 ajax学习-ajax learning a jax learning a jax learning a jax learning a jax learning a jax learning a jax Learning ajax learning ajax learning ajax learning ajax learning ajax learning
- 时间片轮转算法struct { int name //进程标识符 int status //进程状态 int ax,bx,cx,dx //进程现场信息,通用寄存器内容 int pc //进程现场信息,程序计数器内容 int psw //进程现场信息,程序状态字内容 int next //下一个进程控制块的位置 }pcbarea[n]
- 十进制打印AX寄存器中的值的函数 对64位数的高32位进行递归排序-metric Print AX register with the value of the function of the median 64-32 ranking for recursive
- 自主开发的文件系统,自由协议 调用 mov ax,600 mov [7e20h],ax mov al, A mov [7f00h],al mov al,0 文件名以数字0结束 mov [7f01h,al 本例中文件数据位于内存 0000:2000h mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov ax,7600h jmp ax
- 一个自己写的提交每周任务详情的小工具,自带一个不错的时间控件,并支持将表格导出为excel
- 实现字符串的输出功能,并用AX存储字符串长度.类型创度等数据,然后输出AX中的10进制数.
- data segment ;定义数据段 infon db 0dh,0ah,'Please input a year: $' Y db 0dh,0ah,'This is a leap year! $' N db 0dh,0ah,'This is not a leap year! $' w dw
- E820 Address Map描述(用C与Assembly混编) OS必须知道系统物理内存的数量,才能够有效的使用和管理这些物理内存。所以在booting阶段,我们必须通过某种手段来检测和获取物理内存的总量。因此我们利用BIOS中断获取内存容量,常用的是INT 15h, AX=E820h - Query System Address Map的中断方法 ,E820 Address Map describe (using C and Assembly mixed) OS system must
- DAC0832输出的是电流,要转换为电压,还必须经过一个外接的运算放大器,实验线路如图所示。-dat segment import db input a 4 bit hex:$ output db the equal number=$ err db wrong number$ dat ends cod segment assume cs:cod,ds:dat start: mo
- 汇编语言画圆,计算三角形水平边平方,●双字减法,入口参量:bx减数的低16位,cx减数的高16位,dx被减数高16位,ax被减数低16位-Assembly Language Circle, calculate the square side of the triangle level, ● double-word subtraction, import parameters: bx subtrahend the low 16, cx subtrahend high 16, dx minuend
- 汇编实验用来实现dx,ax寄存器中存储数据双字右移-Used for the compilation of experimental dx, ax register to store data in two-word shifted to right,
- 编程实现双字数据右移。 试写出程序将DX,AX中的双字右移四位。 -Programming shifted to right double-word data. Try to write program DX, AX shifted to right in the four pairs of characters.
- Write an MPI program that solves a set of linear equations Ax = b with the 并行计算 Jacobi method. The root process reads the matrix A and the vector b from files. The file names have to be specified by the user as parameters.-Write an MPI p
- 编写一个程序,将AX寄存器中的16位数分成四组,每组四位,然后把这四组数分别放在AL,BL,CL,DL中。-Write a program, the AX register in the 16-digit divided into four groups, each with four, and then put these four groups, respectively AL, BL, CL, DL in.
- 设AX/BL,当BL=0时产生除数为零中断,编写除数为零中断处理程序,显示DIVIDED BY ZERO!-Set AX/BL, while BL = 0 division by zero interrupt generated when the preparation of the division by zero interrupt handler, display DIVIDED BY ZERO!
- 书后作业题目答案。将ax寄存器中的16为数分成四组,每组4位,分别放在al ,bl ,cl,dl中-the answer
- 已知线性方程组,求解,得到一个结果向量。-Known linear equations, solving, we obtain a result vector.
- 将AX寄存器中的16位数分成4组,每组4位,然后把这四组数分别放在AL、BL、CL和DL中-AX register will be divided into 4 groups of 16 bits, each 4-bit, and then put these four groups, respectively AL, BL, CL, and DL in