- Notepad++ 是在微軟視窗環境之下的一個免費的代碼編輯器。 為了產生小巧且有效率的代碼編輯器,這個在GPL許可證下的自由軟體開發專案採用 win32 api 和 STL 以 C++ 程式語言撰寫成,並且選用功能強大的編輯模組 Scintilla。多虧它的輕巧與執行效率,Notepad++ 可完美地取代微軟視窗的記事本。 -Notepad is in the Microsoft Windows environment free of a code editor. In order
- BonnMotion2.0版,2011年。BonnMotion创建的场景可以输出给网络仿真软件ns-2、GlomoSim/QualNet、COOJA、ONE、MiXiM使用。-BonnMotion is a Java software which creates and analyses mobility scenarios. It is developed within the Communication Systems group at the Institute of Computer
- 适用于ns2仿真的移动trace生成工具(C环境)-These mobility generator tools are used to generate a rich set of mobility scenarios used to evaluate the protocol performance in Mobile Ad Hoc Network. The tools include the Reference Point Group Mobility(RPGM) model, Fr
- An IEEE 802.15.4-based Wireless Sensor Network is considered, and the relationship between the IEEE 802.15.4 topology formation mechanism and possible routing strategies at the network layer is studied. Two alternative routing schemes proposed in t
- test for ns2 so that to be sure that itis running as it shoul Welcome to the study of AD HOC share.
- Multicasting in Ad-Hoc Networks Comparing MAODV and ODMRP.pdf
- Distributed Construction of Connected Dominating Set in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- 2 Introduction This educational software simulates an Ad-hoc network with AODV algorithm, it uses a high level view and only works in Routing layer. it has a user-friendly graphical user interface and has been written in java language. Here is
- Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing is a routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and other wireless ad hoc networks. This code describes no of packets received at the destination.
- Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) is a table-driven routing scheme for ad hoc mobile networks based on the Bellman–Ford algorithm
- A 3-node example for ad-hoc simulation with DSDV in ns2.Where node 1 and 0 are moveable.
- The security of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) has been receiving a signifi cant amount of attention in the fi eld of wireless mobile networking because VANETs are vulnerable to malicious attacks.
- A mobile ad hoc network is a self-organizing and rapidly deployable network in which neither a wired backbone nor a centralized control exists. The network nodes communicate with one another over scarce wireless channels in a multi-hop fashion. The a
- this file is used to analysis for TDMA based mobile ad-hoc network