- SIP软件开发记录 由于通信网的封闭性,网络结构的复杂性,通信设备的多样性,使得通信软件难以在一个统一的平台(包括硬件平台和操作系统平台)下运行,所以迄今为止,通信行业的开源项目仍屈指可数。 下面,我们把通信类的软件简单的进行一下划分-SIP software development record as a closed network, network structure of the complex nature of the diversity of communications e
- MIMO diversity modulation BPSK
- 通过MATLAB软件;通过仿真得出性能曲线;从而比较bpsk的性能-The bit-error rate (BER) of binary phase-shift keying in Rayleigh fading, using the Alamouti transmission scheme and receiver selection diversity in the presence of channel-estimation error, is studied. Closed-
- LabVIEW凭借其强大的图形化编程功能以及丰富的内置函数受到广大的测试、自动化工程师的青睐。随着测试项目的日趋多样化,工程师们对于测试界面的要求也越来越高,因此本演示程序主要通过实际的例子给大家在界面设计方面给予一些启示,希望起到抛砖引玉的效果。-LabVIEW favor of the majority of the testing, automation engineers by virtue of its powerful graphical programming capabiliti
- LabVIEW凭借其强大的图形化编程功能以及丰富的内置函数受到广大的测试、自动化工程师的青睐。随着测试项目的日趋多样化,工程师们对于测试界面的要求也越来越高,因此本演示程序主要通过实际的例子给大家在界面设计方面给予一些启示,希望起到抛砖引玉的效果-LabVIEW favor of the majority of the testing, automation engineers by virtue of its powerful graphical programming capabilitie
- 这是本人搜集的一本关于协作分集的书籍,希望对大家有用-This is the one I collect books on cooperative diversity, and hope to be useful
- 1. 研究空时分组码的编译码原理及算法; 2. 研究了几种不同的协作分集系统模型和协作分集协议; 3. 将空时分组码编译码器与协同通信用硬件描述语言Verilog实现,并在ISE集成环境中综合仿真,结果正确后下载到FPGA电路板上; 4. 用示波器观察输出数据是否正确,验证空时分组码协同通信的性能。 -1. Decoding Principles of space-time block codes and algorithms 2. Study several differen
- 基于样本的粒子群优化算法,(ELPSO),能够保持粒子的收敛性和多样性-This paper proposes an example-based learning PSO (ELPSO) to overcome these shortcomings by keeping a balance between swarm diversity and convergence speed. Inspired by a social phenomenon that multiple good ex
- 文章A New Efficient Low-Complexity Scheme for Multi-Source Multi-Relay Cooperative Networks的仿真MATLAB代码,值得拥有。-This paper proposes a new efficient scheme for the combined use of cooperative diversity and multiuser diversity.
- Recently more research works are focused on multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm (MOPSO) due to its ability of global and local search for solving multi-objective optimization problems (MOOPs) however, most of existing MOPSOs can
- DIVERSITY SNR improvement with selection combining
TELE - 753 Wireless Communications
- This course provides advanced knowledge of wideband wireless communication techniques. It include the areas of diversity: Time diversity, Space diversity, Frequency TELE9753 Advanced Wireless Communications 2 diversity; Wideband CDMA systems, Wide
Sparse image and signal processing
- 这本书在稀疏的多尺度图像和信号处理提出了艺术状态,包括线性多尺度变换,如小波,脊波和曲波变换、非线性、多尺度变换基于中值和数学形态学算子。最近的稀疏性和形态多样性的概念描述和利用各种问题,如去噪,反问题正规化,稀疏信号分解,盲源分离,压缩感知。 这本书的理论和实践研究相结合的领域,如天文学、生物学、物理学、数字媒体应用和取证。最后一章探讨了信号处理中的一个范式转换,表明以前的信息取样和提取的限制可以用非常重要的方法加以克服。 MATLAB和IDL代码伴随这些方法和应用程序重现。 实验并说明
Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO)
- ALO 算法核心思想是模拟蚁狮捕猎蚂蚁的狩猎机制以实现全局寻优。蚁狮在捕猎前会在在沙质土中利用其巨大的下颚挖出一个漏斗状的陷阱,并藏在陷阱底部等待猎物到来。一旦随机游走的蚂蚁落入陷阱时,蚁狮迅速将其捕食,随后重新修缮陷阱等待下一次捕猎。(The core idea of the ALO algorithm is to simulate the hunting mechanism of the ant lion hunting ants to achieve global optimization