- USB PDIUSB12D C语言 中断服务处理程序-USB PDIUSB12D C language processing service interruption
- The purpose of this example is to demonstrate that the functioning of External interrupts (INT0, INT1, INT4, INT5 and INT6) and how toset them up. This directory contains the frameworks fw.c, the test program extr_intr.c and the externa
- This example shows how to write/read data to/from Backup data registers and demonstrates the Tamper detection feature. The associated software performs the following: Configures the Tamper pin to be active on low level and enable Tamper int
- MSP-FET430P410 Demo - Timer_A Toggle P5.1, CCR0 Contmode ISR, DCO SMCLK Descr iption Toggle P5.1 using using software and TA_0 ISR. Toggle rate is set at 50000 DCO/SMCLK cycles. Default DCO frequency used for TACLK. Durring the TA_0 ISR P5
- Ejemplo puerto serie (TX por USART Modo 1 y salida por P1/ISR)
- Purpose: Contains example code to use a two-phase encoder with an ATmega2561. The encoder phases are connected to PORTF bits 0 & 1 and the switch is connected to PORTF bit 2. Timer 1 is configured to interrupt at 1024Hz. At startup, the enco
- My Mini 操作系统 源码.目前已经实现的功能: 阶段1: 1 BootSect 2 Kernel Loader (已经进入保护模式,并且将必要的参数传递给Kernel) 3 Kernel (开启页式存储,物理内存的简单管理,为中断提供了一套基本的接口,利用Bget建立了一个简单的堆) 阶段2: 1 优化了一部分代码,包括内核堆,内核栈的重新布置 2 初始化了一个TSS,用以处理特权级变化 3 将GDT从以前的KernelLoader空间到自己的空间 4
- Get Start it isr too important maste
- Set the initial SP, Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler, Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address, Configure external SRAM