- quake的地图编辑器的源代码, 不是quake3的
- a quake 3 room that allows u to move in this space its not made by me though
- Delphi.This actually a GUI Version of an application i wrote some months ago, called Q3-Dev, wich was a console application written in c++. I wrote it when i was making maps for Quake 3, and wanted something that would start a map, with my wanted par
- 用于QNx6.2.1非商业版本上的sdlquake 1.0.9patch。(This tarball includes a version of the sdlquake-1.0.9 patched to work on qnx-6.2.1 non-commercial edition. It is a basic version of quake making widespread use of libSDL-1.2.9 (which is statically linked).)