- 线性代数中的克莱姆法则的C程序,比较经典的作品,希望大家多提宝贵意见,本人QQ84544838-linear algebra of Cramer's rule of C procedures, the more classical works, we hope more valuable, I QQ84544838
- 1. 先打开规则库,读入规则集 (可比较两个规则文件rule1.txt 和 rule2.txt的差异) 2. 选择经过分词和词性标注的文件,进行句法分析 3. 分析结果文件与测试文件在同一个目录下,文件后缀名为 .pcfg 4. 分析结束后,同时产生一个新的规则文件,后缀名为.new, 可以观察规则概率值和期望次数的变化 5. 分析结果逐个以树形图方式显示,如果一个句子有多个结果,在显示框中同时显示。-1. Accounting rules to open, read the r
- 电脑下子实际上是分两个步骤的,第一个步骤是尽可能的收集棋盘格局的信息,并且使这些信息以一定的格式存放再内存中,以便于第二步的处理。第二个步骤就是,对收集到的信息进行分析处理,即要给出一个规则,用穷举搜索的办法遍历所有收集到的信息,搜索的过程实际上是用所定下的规则去衡量每一点的权值,搜索的目的是为了找到一个权值最大的点,这个点就是当前的最优解,也就是应该下的子。 -computer is actually two steps, the first step is to collect as muc
- AutoSummary uses Natural Language Processing to generate a contextually-relevant synopsis of plain text. It uses statistical and rule-based methods for part-of-speech tagging, word sense disambiguation, sentence deconstruction and semantic anal
JAVA 程序源代码3
- 11 中国象棋打谱软件 主类 Chess 对弈棋盘ChessBoard 棋子ChessPiece 棋点 ChessPoint 走棋法则Rule 步骤MoveStep 记录棋谱MakeChessManual 棋谱演示Demon 12 魔板游戏 主类PuzzleFrame 魔板PuzzlePad 魔板中的点SquarePoint 13 挖雷游戏 主类Game 方块 Block 雷区 MineSquare 雷标数目 FindAroundMineMarkNumber 雷标判断 DetermineMin
- 是关于中文文本切词的资料,排除了部分无意义的词,Chinese text on the segmentation of information, rule out the possibility of some meaningless words
- 我上过的Programming Language课程第四次大作业:在前三次的基础上添加类型检查和运算符结合和优先规则功能。 绝对原创,绝对经典!-My Programming Language course the fourth major operations: the basis of the first three add type checking and operator priority rule integration and functionality.
- This document contains official rules of the 3D soccer simulation competition at RoboCup 2006. While we will try to cover all cases, if unexpected events do occur, the rule committee will seek input from the participants and then make a decisio
- 棋盘覆盖问题,是用分治法实现的。基本上全是数字实现的。虽然简单,但是这是为了说明一个算法的设计问题-Board cover problem is the use of sub-rule method to achieve. Basically, all the figures attainable. Although simple, but this is to illustrate the design of an algorithm
- 并行计算trapezoidal rule Write an MPI program for numerical integration based on the trapezoidal rule. For communication, use the functions MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv() that were described in the lecture. The number of intervals and the integration
- 52.轮胎正常气压是延长车辆使用寿命保障 53.车辆突发故障与排除 54.车装电脑检修常识 -52. Tire pressure is normal to extend the service life of the protection of 53 vehicles. Cars rule out the possibility of sudden failure with 54. Overhaul trucks loaded computer knowledge
- 主要描述递归的概念, 掌握设计有效算法的分治策略。 通过下面的范例学习分治策略设计技巧。-Will describe the concept of recursion to master the design of effective algorithm for sub-rule strategy. Examples of learning through the following sub-rule strategy of design skills.
- 2812DSP的USB驱动,方便用户进行LINUX底层驱动的开发,该模块已经通过测试 -this file can teach you how to learn DSP 2812 ,and you can explore USB rule.
- QueueImplement In this section, you will learn how to implement the queue. A queue holds a collection of data or elements and follows the FIFO ( First In First Out) rule. The FIFO that means which data added first in the list, only that element can
- 解释器Tiny Compiler(此为第五版)是用c++写的解释器,语法规则类似于C和matlab,支持数组和函数调用,并用mfc做了简单界面。 内附详细说明及例子程序。 第五版新增特性:计算器工具中添加了公式的“立体显示”。 第四版新增特性:添加了语法树的可视化显示。 官方日志:http://wantnon.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!22376C1C5B93C0AD!464.entry-The interpreter(name:Tiny Compiler
- 聪明的程序员用delphi,而真正的程序员用c!但在c的学习过程中,由于其指针的高度自由化和灵活度,使得学习起来困难重重,然而学习c也是有章可循的,c语言程序开发范例宝典全代码,系统的展示了c如何由初级学习到高级进阶的全过程,所有的代码均有详细的解释,同时解决了c程序员在开发过程中的各个疑难杂症,可谓不可多得的撼世之作。-Smart programmers use delphi, but the real programmer uses c! however, at the c of the l
- 這是一個mpi寫的平行計算程式 程式內容為電路的檢查 電路輸入為一個陣列v[1]v[2]..v[16] 這陣列間需要符合規則我們才將答案印出來 這規則可以看程式內副程式 check_circuit()-This is an mpi parallel computing programs written for circuit checking. The contents of the circuit as a circuit input array v [1] v [2
- Manchester码的编码规则是,如果原始数据为“1”,将其编码成“10”;如果原始数据为“0”,将其编码成“01”。这种编码的特点是每个码元中间都有跳变,低频能量较少,便于接收端提取时钟信息。-Manchester, the coding rule is, if the original data is " 1" , be coded " 10" if the original data is " 0" , be coded " 0
- 1.0 本程序演示了如何使用编辑器在运行期设置表格的一些常用参数 需要使用到Ehlib控件,最好使用3.6版本,旧版本也适用! 1.1 ColEditor 更易于使用了,BUG基本排除! 1.2 增加了智能过滤功能,对任意一DATASET都可以!此功能参考QLFilter,在此表示感谢! 以后会陆续增加一些MIS开发的常用功能组件或函数,请大家多多关注. 对了,几个按钮的ICON我暂时没有,没放上去丑了点,请大家自已加上去了!-1.0 program demons
- 正则表达式工具配套语法,配套使用方法。g及相关内容。-regex rule