- obtain mac addres, it s a very good example to study library calling.-obtain mac address, it s a very good example to study library calling .
- 准确无误地获取网卡的MAC地址,并将其以16位形式显示出来。-accurate access to the NIC's MAC address and its form 16 to show.
- Visual.C++程序设计技巧与实例--配套光盘 第13章 网络编程 本章共有8个实例: 1. PowerNetConfig在Win2000系统下修改主机名、IP、网关、子网掩码和代理服务器 2. GetAllIP得到多穴主机的多个IP地址 3. EnumHosts枚举局域网内的计算机 4. GetMac读取网卡的Mac地址 5. C_S Demo一个小型的公司客服系统——C/S使用示例 6. Mount在应用程序中映射网络驱动器 7. AddIEButto
- 电驴的MAC源代码,很简单似乎,但实际可以学习到人家是如何组织一个看似简单的软件的,学习用。-EDonkey' s MAC source code, it seems very simple, but that can actually be to other people are studying how to organize a seemingly simple software, the study used.
- lumaqq,鼎鼎大名的东西,虽然现在不更新了,但依然可以去看看,学习一下,人家是怎么克隆一个QQ协议的IM的。作者的精神非常值得学习,大家要支持下哈。-lumaqq,鼎鼎大名things, although we do not update, but can still go to see and learn about how other people are cloning a QQ protocol of the IM. Very worthy of the spirit of the
- 一种改进的无线传感器网络MAC协议 本文在S-MAC协议的基础上,提出了一种适用于大型监测网络的能量有效的MAC协议。经过分析表明,改进的协议 在满足延迟的条件下,能够有效的降低能量消耗。 -An Improved MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
- 无线传感器网络S-MAC协议的改进 在无线传感器网络中,基于竞争的S-MAC协议存在无法使节点的活动时间根据通信负载动态变化以及节点休眠带来 的延迟问题。本文结合T-MAC协议和D-MAC协议,提出了自己针对这些问题的改进方法。仿真结果证明,提出的改进方法 不仅能够使节点的活动时间适应通信负载的动态变化,还能够极大地减少节点休眠带来的延迟。 -improving the S-MAC protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
- S-MAC is an energy-efficient MAC protocol designed for wireless sensor networks.
- OTOMATİ K KONUŞ MA TANIMA ALGORİ TMALARININ UYGULAMALARI Kö ksal Ö CAL Ankara Ü niversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Elektronik Mühendisliğ i Anabilim Dalı Danı ş man : Yrd. Doç . Dr. H. Gö kh
- 苹果操作系统的使用教程,介绍苹果系统的使用-Apple' s operating system to use tutorial to introduce the use of Apple systems
- 本书内容覆盖了用于Mac OS X和IPhone的Apple开发工具箱中的所有工具。-Learn Xcode Tools for Mac OS X and iPhone Development is the only book that covers all of the tools in Apple’s developer toolkit for both Mac OS X and iPhone application development. So many developers are c
- mac os asslebly,mac os下简单的汇编-mac os asslebly
- Delphi:写了一个与Delphi网络设置相关的小程序,本地连接设置助手,程序可实现设置本地连接,静态网关,查询MAC网关与绑定,保护ARP缓存表的功能,Delphi本地设置助手,源码下载。 -Delphi: write a little program associated with the Delphi network settings, local connection Setup Assistant, the program can be set to achieve a loca
- 获取本机IP 还有马克地址,比较简单,是个人的处女秀,属于新手级别,来咱们这就是想学习其他人的呢-Access to the machine IP address, and mark is simpler, is a person s debut, belongs to a new level, this is we want to learn to others