- 串口温度显示源代码 使用说明: 系统要求:WIN9X/ME/NT/2000 VC++6.0 且安装了VC ACTIVEX控件(在VC6安装时选上) 简介:在VC++6.0中用MSComm控件编程,可以实现串口接收数据和发送数据,数据分别显示在接收框和发送框中。 如何建立工程:建立新文件夹,将文档用WINZIP解压后,双击 Scommtest.dsw 即可在VC6.0中打开工程文件。作者主页上有详细编程说明,每一步都列出来了,可以参 串口通迅
- nrComm Lib Pro 8.29 for Delphi & C++ Builder 7-2010 nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solutions for many communication tasks : RS232, TAPI (data and voice
- GM812X 系列串口扩展芯片可为用户提供最简单和高性能的通用串口扩展方案,该系列芯 片子串口最高波特率达38400bps。该芯片提供两种工作模式,用户可根据需要灵活选择。该芯 片母串口和子串口的工作波特率可由软件调节,而不需要修改外部电路和晶振频率。 GM812X 系列芯片的外部控制少,应用灵活,编程使用简单,适合于大多数需要多串口扩 展的应用场合。 驱动C代码-GM812X series of serial chip can be extended to provide
- 台湾MOXA公司的串口通讯卡的示例,包括 C + Delphi.-A Serial Comm port lib for Both C and Delphi Developer.
- A user-space device driver can do many of the things that kernel drivers can t, such as perform a long-running computation, block while waiting for an event, or read files from the file system. Unlike kernel drivers, a user-space device driver can us
- RS232串口的C源代码,共分开为4个,可用来较详细的了解RS232的通信技术。-RS232 serial port of the C source code, for a total of four separate, can be used to a more detailed understanding of the RS232 communication technologies.
- 使用汇编语言一个交通灯控制小程序,主要练习串行口通信与中断,定时器中断,外部中断,内附详细解释,通过两个52单片机串行口互联,可控制红黄绿三灯时间,具体为发送机P1口接键盘,可任意设定每个灯两位十进制时间,接收机P1,P2接LED-8屏,同时具有外部中断功能,应对突发事件,呵呵,这个程序是老师布置的作业啦,做完了才发觉原来老师让用c写,偶却好无聊的写成了汇编了-Assembly language of a traffic light control applet, the main practi
- 学习C++,先学串口编程,本程序就是以串口作为编程对象,进行针对串口的数据接收与发送,内含丰富的注释,纯个人理解!-To learn C++ learn first serial programming, the program is as a programming object to the serial port for serial data reception and transmission, contains a wealth of comments, pure personal
- C++builder用Mscomm编写的串口软件,适合初学者-C++ builder written in Mscomm serial port software, suitable for beginners
- 串口转网口驱动代码,C语言程序,MCU为STC单片机。-Serial port to switch network driver code, C language program, MCU for STC microcontroller.