- A simple delay alarm and preset time alarm that pops up a window and/or play a WAV/MP3. There is also a snooze. -A simple alarm and preset delay time t alarm hat pops up a window and / or play a WAV/MP3. There is also a snooze.
- 一个简单的录音程序,输入用户的语音,可以录制,存放到一个wav文件中,播放。-a simple procedure of recording, the voice user input can be recorded, stored to a wav file, players.
- this a program that help you to output a WAV file ,which may be useful for begin learner
- 基音提取程序,对于给定一段语音,按一定时间分帧,并从中提取出基音频率-Pitch extraction process, for a given period of voice, according to a certain time-frame, and extracting the pitch frequency
- 本软件采用微软公司先进的TTS语音合成技术,能流畅朗读中文、英语等文本,专业播音员音质,可以读小说,制作店面广告等。有慢、中、快三种语速,并可将朗读文本导出保存为WAV文件。-This software Microsoft advanced TTS voice synthesis technology, and be fluent in reading Chinese, English text, the sound quality of a professional announcer, re
- 请认真阅读采用MATLAB分析WAV文件。 步骤一:选择一个WAV文件作为分析的对象 。(ding.wav) 步骤三:进行 FFT变换并画频域图形 。 步骤四:进行该声波主要频谱的分析。 步骤五:根据该声音的频谱,反演时域图形 。(有失真) 步骤六:进行付立叶逆变换IFFT并画频域图形 。-Please carefully read the WAV files using MATLAB analysis. Step One: Select a WAV file as the
- 该源码是用于将EVRC的语音数据转换为wav文件,其中语音数据存放在voice.txt中,在代码中可设置数据存放的地方;打开工程点击执行,当帧转换完毕,则点击pcmtowav.exe将output.enc转换为wav文件,里面的Voice.wav就是这样转换的。-The source code is used to EVRC voice data into a wav file, including voice and data stored in voice.txt, in the code
- delphi的文件朗读器,能读中文、英文以及中英文混合朗读,并且可以保存成WAV文件。使用到TTS,可以自行下载,并在delphi安装相应插件。-delphi read the document, and can read Chinese, English and Chinese and English mixed reading, and can be saved into a WAV file. The use of the TTS, is free to download and inst
- 输入一个wav文件,通过短时自相关预测,获得一个wav文件。-Input a wav file. According to short atuocorrection, it will obtain aother wav file, which will be same with the input wav file.
- 将.wav格式文件识别转换成文本字符串显示在对话框中。-Recognise the .wav format file and translate it to text or string. At last, display it on a dialog.
- Program to output header and chunk information from a WAV file.
- 此程序可以实现对语音的录制和播放,并自动保存为wav文件-This program can record and playback of voice, and automatically saved as a wav file
- 语音识别中有个著名的语音库TIMIT,其中的wav文件和我们平常的不一样,这个程序就是读取wav文件的-Speech recognition in a famous speech database TIMIT, one of the wav file and we usually do not like this program is to read wav files
- 针对语音识别中MFCC特征提取,从HTK3.4.1版本中抽出MFCC提取模块,可以单独运行,对一批wav录音文件进行MFCC特征提取,一个wav文件对应一个特征文件。并且备有详细的注释,有利于语音识别初学者学习使用。-MFCC extraction module extracted from HTK3.4.1 version for speech recognition MFCC feature extraction, can be run separately, MFCC feature ex
- 该VI读取TDMS文件,展示读取的原始信号及其FFT,并把它存成wav文件。-The VI reads the the TDMS file shows the original signal and its FFT read and save it as a wav file.
- WAV格式的播放器,具有一般音乐播放器的功能:播放,暂停,均衡器和简单的混响功能。程序开始后,输入文件路径,点击运行即可。-WAV format player, a music player: play, pause, equalizer and reverb function. After the start of the program, enter the file path, click on the run.
wav file read using vc6.0
- reading and write a wav file using vc6.0
- 语音分割程序,可将一段语音自动分割成极端语音,包括端点检测等子程序。-Speech segmentation procedure, a voice can be automatically split into extreme voice, including endpoint detection routines.
- 一个带用户界面的matlab语音合成和识别的程序,MainGuide01.fig通过提取MFCC,用dtw来计算实时录音和模板之间的最小距离,给出识别结果,并且给出波形图,频谱图,语谱图。MainGuide02.fig是语音合成程序,通过load一个wav文件用LPC,残差和pitch两种方式进行合成,并且能实时听合成语音的效果。-This is an simple user interface program including speech recoginition and speech s
- A WAV file is binary file in the RIFF format, RIFF format enables the user to haev multiple information in the same file which can either be used or not. The information is stored in chunks, each chunk have its type (4 chars) and side (dword) s