- 艇大战演示程序及源代码_C++小游戏源代码-boat war demonstration program and the source code _C small game source code
- 用汇编语言做的一个打字游戏。运行环境是MASN5.0。 1,用户打开软件时先出现欢迎界面,当用户输入字符’1’时,再进入打字界面 当用户按的是”ESC”键时,退出打字游戏 当用户输入不是数字”1”或者不是按的”ESC”键时,屏幕不动作,直到用户输入数字”1”或者按的”ESC”键时 2,打字字符从第二行开始显示(双数行为显示打字内容,单数行由用户输入) 打字内容:1), We will see his boat and then.We ll say goodbye to him.
- 小时候,我看到过这样的一道智力题: 一个农夫带着一只狼,一只羊和一些菜过河。河边只有一条船,由于船太小,只能装下农夫和他的一样东西。在无人看管的情况下,狼要吃羊,羊要吃菜,请问农夫如何才能使三样东西平安过河。经过不难的推理,相信读者都能轻而易举的解出这道题。但是,我们是否能用计算机解这一道题呢?答案是肯定的。本文就让读者去领略一下计算机快速解决问题。-was a kid, I saw the intelligence that one : a farmer with a wolf, a goat
- 这是一个音乐程序,按大写字母“A”,唱乐曲“玛丽有只小羔羊”;按大写字母“B”,唱乐曲“太湖船”按大写字母“C”,唱乐曲“祝福歌”按-This is a music program by capital letters "A", singing songs, "Mary has only a small lamb"; According capital letters "B", singing songs, "Taihu La
- 这是一个音乐程序,按大写字母“A”,唱乐曲“玛丽有只小羔羊”; 按大写字母“B”,唱乐曲“太湖船” 按大写字母“C”,唱乐曲“祝福歌” 按\"X\"鍵,退出-This is a music program by capital letters "A", singing songs, "Mary has only a small lamb"; According capital letters "B", singing songs, &q
- 文章主要舟铝了IBM ViaVoice中文语音识剐系统软件的琦能简舟、使用方法和性能 特点,并指出了在使用谊软件时提高系统识剐率的逢径。-Aluminum Boat article the IBM ViaVoice Chinese voice cut system software knowledge to Jane Zhou Qi, the use of methods and performance characteristics, and pointed out that the us
- 这是一个音乐程序,按大写字母“A”,唱乐曲“玛丽有只小羔羊”; 按大写字母“B”,唱乐曲“太湖船” 按大写字母“C”,唱乐曲“祝福歌” 按"X"鍵,退出-This is a music program, according to capital letters " A" , singing songs, " Mary had a lamb" by the capital letters " B" , sing the music &
- 3、 友元 编写C++程序完成以下功能: (1) 定义一个Boat和Car两个类,他们都具有私用属性——重量; (2) 编写一个函数,计算两者的重量和。 double TotalWeight(Boat& b, Car& c) -3, friend write C++ program to accomplish the following functions: (1) defines two classes of a Boat and Car, they have priva
- 这是一个音乐程序,按大写字母“A”,唱乐曲“玛丽有只小羔羊”; 按大写字母“B”,唱乐曲“太湖船” 按大写字母“C”,唱乐曲“祝福歌” 按"X"鍵,退出-This is a music program by the capital letter "A", singing the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb" Capital letter "B", singing the song "Taihu Boat" Capital letter "C",
- 2897:英文缩写词 给定一个由若干英文单词组成的字符串,生成一个由各首字母组成的缩写词(acronym),其中的the,a,an,of,for及and被忽略。 2895: 循环小数 给定一个分数,判断其是否是一个无限循环小数,并输出它的第一个循环节 2531: 乘船 春暖花开,实验室集体去长风公园泛舟。 实验室有n(1<=N<=2000)个人,每个人重量为ci.长风公园的每艘船的载重量为K,每次最多乘两人。假设每个人只能坐一次船,那么至
- 友元函数:定义Boat和Car两个类,两者都有weight属性,定义两者的一个友员函数totalweight(),计算两个类的对象的重量和。-Friend function: to define two classes of Boat and Car, both the weight attribute, defined both a friendly member function totalweight the (), calculate the two classes of objects
- 实现客户机(CLIENT)类。定义字符型静态数据成员ServerName,保存其服务器名称;整型静态数据成员ClientNum,记录已定义的客户数量;定义静态函数ChangeServerName()改变服务器名称。在头文件client.h中定义类,在文件client.cpp中实现,在文件test.cpp 中测试这个类,观察相应的成员变量取值的变化情况。(需要给出main函数代码和运行结果) 完善Body类,将检测胖瘦的标准定义为静态数据成员并设计相应的静态成员函数。(最好给出main函数
- 定义Boat与car两个类,两者都有weight属性.定义两者的有元函数,计算两者的重量-Boat and car define two classes, both weight attribute definition both have a membership function to calculate the weight of both
- Descr iption A group of N people wishes to go across a river with only one boat, which can at most carry two persons. Therefore some sort of shuttle arrangement must be arranged in order to row the boat back and forth so that all people may cros
- 一个农夫在河边带了一只狼、一只羊和一颗白菜,他需要把这三样东西用船带到河的对岸。然而,这艘船只能容下农夫本人和另外一样东西。如果农夫不在场的话,狼会吃掉羊,羊也会吃掉白菜。(A farmer took a wolf, a sheep and a cabbage on the riverside. He needed to take the three things to the opposite side of the river by boat. However, the boat can o