parallel-dijkstra 并行化思路实现dijkstra算法
- 并行化思路实现dijkstra算法。假设有p个处理器,N个顶点。给每个处理器分配N/p个顶点,求出局部的最小值,复杂度为O (N/p)。然后后一半的处理器将自己的最小值发送给第前p/2个处理器。前一半处理器接收到传来的值后,与局部的最小值比较,作为新值。继续循环,直到剩下一个处理器为止。-Parallelized dijkstra algorithm. Suppose there is p a processor, N vertex. Give each processor distributi
- 数据结构-图的操作 1.图的建立 2.图的深搜 3.图的广搜 4.最短路-(1).print the graph. (2).print the sequence of vertex names getting Depth-First Search. (3). print the sequence of vertex names getting Breadth-First Search. Dfs Bfs dijkstra
- 迪杰斯特拉算法是从一个顶点到其余各顶点的最短路径算法,解决的是有向图中最短路径问题。迪杰斯特拉算法主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。(The Dijkstra algorithm is the shortest path algorithm from one vertex to the other vertices, and the shortest path problem in the directed graph is solved. The main featur