- Suite of components to add scr ipting capabilities to your applications, including Pascal & Basic scr ipting engines, Pascal & Basic syntax highlighting memo and scr ipt debug tools.-Suite of components to add scr ipting capabilities to your applicat
- BaiduMp3 search baidu mp3-BaiduMp3 search engines mp3
- 完整的英语900句源码-采用顶条技术,不知不觉学英语口语采用特酷流行的技术: 1、顶条技术 2、发音引擎使用 3、特异窗体使用及拖动 4、使用资源文件对于想学到以上知识的人来说无异于是一道大餐。 -complete English 900 source-top use of the technology, Spoken English unconsciously adopt special cool pop technologies : one, the top of the two techn
- Diff引擎,可以比较文本文件和二进制文件-Diff engines can compare text files and binary files
- 在你的程序中实现脚本功能,该脚本引擎名为Atscr ipt , 是类似于VBscr ipt 的语法, 在一些比VBscr ipt 更好用,更方便,性能更高,而且容易扩展,无需组件环境,-you in the process of achieving functional scr ipt, the scr ipt called Atscr ipt engines, VBscr ipt is similar to the syntax in VBscr ipt than better, more c
- TMS.scr ipter.Studio.4.6.1.for.Delphi.5-XE.BCB.全部源码。本人只上传源码,杜绝dcu-TMS.scr ipter.Studio.4.6.1.for.Delphi.5-XE.BCB.Full.Source Suite of components to add scr ipting capabilities to your applications, including Pascal & Basic scr ipting engines, P
- 中文分词系统分析库,可以对UTF8表述的中文文字进行分词操作, 支持*的词库和手动干预(回调方式)的加权处理。 可用于搜索引擎的基础分词开发-Chinese word segmentation system analysis libraries, can be expressed UTF8 Chinese text segmentation operation, support plug and manual intervention in the thesaurus (callback me
- An application ment to make use of voice recognition and emulation engines in java. So far only the emulation is implemented
- 著名的VPE病毒引擎,和LDE等引擎差不多,在多态上面比较优良,推荐研究下。asm源码-VPE-known virus engines, and the LDE and other engines similar to the above in a multi-state comparison of good recommendation under study. asm source code
- 来自startup的垂直搜索引擎http://www.kosmix.com/的开源项目,又一个开源的类似google mapreduce 的分布式文件系统,可以应用在诸如图片存储、搜索引擎、网格计算、数据挖掘这样需要处理大数据量的网络应用中。与hadoop集成得也比较好,这样可以充分利用了hadoop一些现成的功能,基于C++。-Applications that process large volumes of data (such as, search engines, grid compu
- Title: Changing the ms agents TTS Mode with ease Descr iption: Allows you simple change the Text to speech engine mode of a MS Agent character. you can select from all if any engines u have installed eg the british english engine,L&H Female etc.
- The tf–idf weight (term frequency–inverse document frequency) is a weight often used in information retrieval and text mining. This weight is a statistical measure used to evaluate how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. The
- Mutis是Lucene搜索引擎的德尔福端口。索引,目录和出色的性能与基于文本的搜索信息提供了一个灵活的API。实现自定义搜索引擎,研究,全文检索,数据挖掘和更优良。-Mutis is a Delphi port of the Lucene Search Engine. Provide a flexible API for index, catalog and search text-based information with great performance. Excelent for i
- The Microsoft® Speech SDK 5.1 is the developer kit for the Microsoft® Windows environment. Tools, information, and sample engines and applications are provided to help you integrate and optimize your speech recognition and speech synthesis engi
- 监测当前安装的Microsoft数据库引擎的版本 ,很不错的-Program to Check Installed Microsoft DB Engines and it s version. With full version information and Flags. Checks for ADO and DAO(3.5/3.6) Requires TdfsVersion InfoResource installed to compile
- 传奇Apple引擎全套源码开源程序 内附登录器源码+控件+可直接编译-The the legendary Apple engines full source code open source included source the+ control+ registrar can be directly compiled
- 天眼启发云引擎杀毒。易语言源码 易语言杀毒软件 -Eye in the sky inspired cloud antivirus engines. Easy language source antivirus software easy language
- 可以计算出航空发动机的风扇及其相关部件的相关参数-Can be calculated fan of aircraft engines, the relevant parameters and associated components
- 1、支持大部分知名邮箱登陆。 2、支持百度搜索、google搜索、淘宝搜索。 3、后台支持百度联盟设置、google联盟、淘宝联盟,只要你填写自己的联盟id就可以赚佣金了,相关联盟需要到相关网站申请! 4、支持首页网站自定义显示。 5、支持网站自定义排序。 6、支持用户前台提交网站,后台审核网站功能。 7、支持新闻信息实时发布。 8、网站全站生成静态,有利于各大搜索引擎的排名。 9、网站采用DIV+CSS模式架构,代码小,访问速度快。 10、网站采用ASP+A
- matlab求取发动机及电机最优工作曲线的代码-strike the optimal curve engines and motors code by matlab