- 时频工具箱中计算群延迟的函数,语法格式:[gd,fnorm]=sgrpdlay(x),x是时域信号,fnorm返回频率坐标,gd返回估计出群延迟的输出向量.-frequency toolbox when calculating group delay functions, grammar format : [gd. fnorm] = sgrpdlay (x), x is the time domain signal to the frequency fnorm coordinates, gd t
- 1. Hello World 2. Data and Memory 3. Functions,pointers and structures 4. Logic,loops and flow control 5. Database handling with MySQL 6. Graphics with GD library 7. Apache C modules 8. The Ghost project conclusion
- rfgdgfd gd fg df g df -d fgdfgd fgdfgdf df dfg d
- rter gd gdg dfcode fds fdsf sd fsd ssd code fds fdsf sd fsd ssd code fds fdsf sd fsd ssd code fds fdsf sd fsd ssd code fds fdsf sd fsd ssd code fds fdsf sd fsd ssd -rter gd gd gdg dfcode fds fdsf sd fsd ssd code fds fdsf sd fsd ssd code fds fdsf sd f