- In this project the fingerprint module from Miaxis Biometrics is used. It can store up to 750 finger prints on its own memory. It can be controlled through its serial port. The microcontroller AT89S52 interact with the module. You can Add a fing
- 较为有用的人际交互界面!通过按键向串口发送信息,同时在lcd显示出来!-Interpersonal interaction is more useful interface! Button to send information through the serial port, also displayed in the lcd!
- 本系统采用51单片机为处理器以带字库的12864或1602液晶显示作为人机对话接口,硬件部分主要采用GPS模块、STC89c52RC单片机、1602液晶显示器或带字库的12864液晶显示器等组成,GPS模块发送的串行数据送至单片机串行口,经单片机处理后送到液晶显示器进行显示。-The system uses the font of 51 single-chip processor to 12864 or 1602 LCD as the man-machine dialogue interface
- atmega48_t112_gps,此程序用于车载后视安防产品。通过GPS 获得时间或车速。通过车速来控制TFT LCD 7寸屏的开关。-atmega48_t112_gps, this procedure for car rear view security products. Obtained by GPS time or speed. The vehicle speed to control the TFT LCD 7-inch screen and off.