- HTK3.4(HTK最新版)源码 + 可执行文件 + HTK book + 其他少量HTK资料(含中文)-HTK3.4 (HTK latest version) source+ Executable file+ HTK book+ Other HTK a small amount of information (including Chinese)
- 该书详细介绍了语音识别工具箱htk的使用方法和隐马尔科夫模型用于语音识别的原理,对工具箱中各个主要函数的原理及参数说明都有详细的说明。-The book details the use of speech recognition toolkit htk methods and hidden Markov models for speech recognition in principle, each of the major functions of the toolbox to the pri
- This first part of the book attempts to provide this information. In this chapter, the basic ideas of HMMs and their use in speech recognition are introduced. The following chapter then presents a brief overview of HTK and, for users of older ver
- 基于HTK的PYTHON脚本,严格按照HTK BOOK指南中的步骤编写。好理解、好用、好扩展。值得下载。-PYTHON scr ipt based on the HTK, HTK BOOK strict accordance with the steps in the preparation of guidelines. Good understanding, easy to use, good extension. Worth downloading.
- 推荐的HTK 语音识别类的书籍,可以买来看看,有本比较多理论方面的知识-Recommended books like HTK speech recognition, you can buy a look, there is the theory of knowledge more