- Shorthand是一个强大的脚本语言,是专门为基于Web的应用程序设计的。它的语法简单直观易于学习。它的引擎可在所有的 Linux 和Windows平台的流行Web服务器上运行。它支持 MySQL 和ODBC,以便用最普通的数据格式化。-Shorthand is a powerful scr ipting language that is specifically for Web-based application design. Its syntax is simple and intuit
- For build this project you can use ant (www.apache.org). Before build project rename file build.properties.pattern in build.properties and set specific for your machine parameters, then start build.bat (for Windows platform) or build.sh (for Linu
- 该源码是通过delphi开发的,实现指定位置的飞秋软件的安装和启动控件,当系统存在安装就启动,不存在就下载安装。该应用在windows和linux系统的web应用中都测试通过。-The source code developed by delphi to achieve the specified location of the fall flight control software installation and startup, when the system has to start
- [基本功能] 1.淘宝客商品分类检索 2.淘宝客搜索推广,内嵌淘宝客搜索推广代码,只需配置文件即可进行商品推广; 3.网站商品管理以及店铺管理,可以灵活的组织网站商品及店铺信息; 4.淘宝客频道推广; 5.淘宝客商品模板管理; 6.伪静态页面,更有利于搜索引擎收录 [系统环境需求] 1、Windows 平台: IIS/Apache + PHP5 2、Linux/Unix 平台 Apache + PHP5 建议使用平台:Linux +
- boa:Linux系统中的轻量级Web服务-Apache : Linux System of lightweight Web services
- 解压后,首先打开config.php进行配置,并将程序中所有的淘客推广ID换成您的ID。 然后上传到你的网站空间上即可使用,无需MYSQL数据的支持! 推荐安装在网站根目录下。 如果您的主机是Linux,您还需要保证“商品缓存目录”和“列表缓存目录”为可写(即设为777属性),Windows系列可以不用设置。 ######################## //特别说明 本程序部分代码参考了taob123.cn(或者是taoke
- For build this project you can use ant (www.apache.org). Before build project rename file build.properties.pattern in build.properties and set specific for your machine parameters, then start build.bat (for Windows platform) or build.sh (for Linu
- qRFCView 是使用QT编程实现的 RFC阅读器。它会自动下载并缓存 RFC的文本文件;自动格式化显示章节信息;自动建立交叉索引;具有搜索功能- qRFCView is a viewer for IETF RFC. Advantages: - automatic table of content, with direct opening of section - handling of RFC internal cross-references - aut
- CryptoPro DSS (Digital Signature Server) is a cloud-based service that allows you to use Russian cryptographic algorithms for hash function, digital signature and symmetric encryption on literally any device (laptop, tablet, smartphone) with any plat