- Initialization code for FSA506 - controller for TFT 3,5" 4,3" and 5,7" from AMPIRE with internal memory.-Initialization code for FSA506- controller for TFT 3,5" 4,3" and 5,7" from AMPIRE with internal memory.
- WINDING COIL CONTROLLER, programable to max 9999 winding, magnetic sensor (reed rele), in the case of lose power controller have memory, sound alarm for last 9 winding, button "pause".
- 第一章到第五章的代码 本书通过100多个模块实例,详细地讲解了Verilog HDL程序设计语言,全书共分13章,内容涉及VerilogHDL语言基本概念、建模、同步设计、异步设计、功能验证等,实例包括各种加法器/计数器、乘法器/除法器、编码器/译码器、状态机、SPIMaster Controller、I2C Master controller、CAN ProtocolController、Memory模块、JPEG图像压缩模块、加密模块、ATA控制器、8位RISC-CPU等及各个实例
- 使用VHDL语言编写的简易数字存储示波器,用MAX+PlusII仿真验证。VHDL编写了采样、存储写、存储读和显示4个模块。采样使用ADC0809,存储器使用6264,显示使用DAC0832。-The design of the chip as a high-speed signal ADC0809 the A / D converter, SRAM6264 memory for data storage after sampling, DAC0832 chip as a signal of D
- 简单的cpu设计,包括memory,alu运算器,comp比较器以及控制器control,寄存器register等的vhdl编写的程序。-A simple cpu design, including memory, alu arithmetic logic unit, comp comparator and controller control, such as vhdl register register write programs.
- 查看硬件 CPU 频率:Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz CPU 厂商:GenuineIntel 主板:GBT - 42302e31 Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG 光驱型号:BENQ DVDROM DD18SA 网卡型号:Atheros AR8132 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller 内存大小:2037M 声卡:Realtek HD Audio outpu
- The purpose of this project is a simple and easy to use USB <> CAN bus interface. Heart of the circuit is an Atmel AVR ATmega162 microcontroller which controls the Communication between FTDI FT245BM USB to parallel converter and Philips
- ISE生成的AXI接口的MIG,内存控制器,语言:verilog-ISE generated the AXI interface MIG, memory controller, language: verilog
- Micro controller A microcontroller is a small computer (SoC) on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory in the form of Ferroelectric RAM, NOR flash or OTP ROM is also
- 加快可以通过识别在FPGA上一帧一帧频道转换。 使用控制器区域网络通信模块(985x),一个CompactRIO系统可以取得CAN帧。然而,帧到频道转换通常所做的实时操作系统上,并且可以是处理器密集型的。帧到频道转换的一个方面,它特别处理器密集型是搜索的CAN消息的数据库以匹配从模块到一个消息ID读帧ID。这个搜索的性能成本是成正比的数据库CAN报文的数量,因此使用大CAN数据库的应用程序要求的RT处理器的大量时间进行帧通道转换。 而不是执行在实时操作系统这种转换,可以代替装载CA