- Movie2Mobile, written in Python, is a tool for transcoding your favorite movie into the 3gp format, used by most mobile phones. For encoding, MPlayer, MEncoder and FFMpeg is used, to offer a wide range of input formats, including DVD, AVI/MPEG and (S
- wxWidgets is a C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures as well as several mobile platforms including Windows Mobile, iPhone SDK and embedded GTK+. It has popular langua
- 上科大 Why-Fi Surfer 登录器 简介 算是心血来潮了吧。很早以前就看到 LWT 女神写的 python 版本的登录器,我就在想这东西能不能移植到手机上。正好赶上学校 Wi-Fi 登录认证换版本之际,现学现做用 Swift 3.0 语言搞出了这么个东西。拼凑起来也能用了。而且我还是尽力把这东西打造的贴心一些。希望大家喜欢。 2018.1.25 更新 更新了 POST 请求(send/sync)的地址。修复了无法登录的错误。 部分 UI 界面修改保证在主线程进行