- ARM嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c,带mmu的小操作系统。-ARM Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. Development Environment asm2 c, the small band mmu operating system.
- ARM嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c,带mpu的小操作系统。-ARM Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. Development Environment asm2 c, the small band mpu operating system.
- ARM嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c,cache配置。-ARM Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. Development Environment asm2 c, cache configuration.
- ARM嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c,bootloader部分。-ARM Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. Development Environment asm2 c, Bootloader part.
- ARM嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c,中断部分。-ARM Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. Development Environment asm2 c, interrupted part.
- ARM嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c,arm开发中的c优化。-ARM Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. C asm2 development environment, the development arm of c optimization.
- ARM嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c,汇编优化。-ARM Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. C asm2 development environment, optimizing compilation.
- arm嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c。dsp部分。-arm Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. C asm2 development environment. Dsp part.
- arm嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境c。基本运算优化部分。-arm Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. C development environment. Basic operations optimization.
- arm嵌入式系统开发--软件设计与优化随书源代码。开发环境asm+c。小操作系统。-arm Embedded System Development -- software design and optimization of the source code with the book. C asm2 development environment. Small operating system.
- MATLAB 6_5 辅助优化计算与设计 1、文件命名说明 a)文件夹“第1章”中的文件对应书中第1章的例程,其他以此类推; b) 文件名exampleX1_X2.m:对应例程X1_X2 例如:example2_1表示例程2_1. 2、注意 为了方便起见,书中的每一个例程存为一个文件;而有些例程中将其调用的函数文件也放在这个例程文件中,所以读者在运行光盘中的例程文件时注意这一点,如果是这样的例程文件应该将其调用的函数文件分离出来另存为一个文件。-MATLAB
- arm开发优化指南源代码2,arm开发人员的参考宝典。-arm guide the development of source code optimization 2, arm developers reference book.
- C和C++嵌入式系统编程学习资料。 你可以从这本书里学到很多东 西。除了了解如何更有效地使用C和C++你还将会从本书中对常见的嵌人式软 件问题的详细解释,并从本书所提供的源代码中得到益处。本书中包含的高级 主题有存储器检测和验证、设备驱动程序的设计和实现.实时操作系统的内部 机理,还有代码优化技术。 -C and C++ Embedded Systems Programming learning materials. You can learn from this boo
- 在数值计算与最优化这本书中出现的大部分实验题的源代码,可以正常运行并出结果-In the numerical calculation and optimization appear in this book the theme of most of the experiments the source code, you can properly run and produce results
- CDMA.Capacity.and.Quality.Optimization a great book on capacity and performance of CDMA systems
- 《C++高效编程:内存与性能优化》,书籍源码,不限于编译器环境,有助于学习和理解该书的内容。-" C++ efficiency program: memory and performance optimization" , book source, not limited to, the compiler environment conducive to study and understand the contents of the book.
- 精通MATLAB最优化计算 配套光盘 本书的主要内容是应用MATLAB来解决最优化问题,通过将“最优化问题”、“MATLAB优化工具箱”和“MATLAB编程”这三方面有机结合进行讲述,即一方面是使用工具箱来快速解决最优化问题,另一方面是通过算法编程深入解决最优化问题。主要包括MATLAB优化工具箱、无约束多维极值问题、约束优化问题、非线性最小二乘优化问题、线性规划、整数规划、二次规划、粒子群优化算法、遗传算法。 -The main contents of the book is the
- 本书深入讨论了编译器设计的重要主题,包括词法分析、语法分析、语法制导分析、类型检查、运行环境、中间代码生成、代码生成、代码优化等-This book discusses the important theme of the compiler design, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, syntax analysis, type checking, running environment, intermediate code gener
- This book explains how to optimize your C/C++ code by explaining the internals of the compiler, i.e. how the compiler generates the code and how you can fine tune your code to "inform" the compiler what to do to produce high performance code, takin g
- 国外著名控制专著《extremum seeking control and application》第四章案例matlab源码-matab code for examples of ch4 in a well-known book《extremum seeking control and application》