- 自己编的周期图法谱估计,对初学者有所帮助,内还有一本书可供参考-own series of the Periodic Table spectral estimation, for beginners is helpful, there are still a book for reference
- 信号与线性系统的时频域分析:观测已知方波信号、正弦波信号的频谱;观测实时模拟信号的频谱;加深理解时域周期信号的各频率分量在振幅频谱图上所占的比重;观测相位在波形合成中的作用;LTI系统的频域分析,LTI系统对周期性输入信号的响应。-Signals and linear systems with time-frequency domain analysis: observation known square wave signal, sine wave signal spectrum obser
- 本章重点: 1.离散信号的概念 2.离散信号的运算 3.离散系统的概念 4.离散周期信号的傅立叶级数(DFS) 5.离散非周期信号的傅立叶变换(频谱密度函数DTFT) 6.简单的滤波器(简介) -This chapter focuses: 1. The concept of discrete signal 2. Discrete signal computing 3. The concept of discrete-time systems 4. Discrete F
- The main m-file to be executed is myLPC.m file. The file that contains all calculations is lpc_01.m file, that is a function which returns reconstructed speech signal with LPC-16 coding. Observing Spectrogram of both signals is very instructive and
- 一个元素周期表控件. 一个元素周期表控件. -A periodic table control. A periodic table control. A periodic table control. A periodic table control.
- Extract a waveform from a semi-periodic signal Wavetabling-Extract a waveform from a semi-periodic signal Wavetabling
- 步进电机是一种将电能转化为角位移的装置。本设计中,当它接收到一个脉冲信号,步进电机按预定的方向转动一个固定的角度,在非超载的情况下,电机的转速、停止的位置只取决于脉冲信号的频率和脉冲数,而不受负载变化的影响,即给电机加一个脉冲信号,电机则转过一个步距角。这一线性关系的存在,加上步进电机只有周期性的误差而无累积误差等特点。-Stepper motor is a kind of electrical energy into angular displacement device.In this de
- 用labview实现信号的周期性检测,这是信号处理中常用的工具-Labview to achieve signal periodic testing, which is commonly used tools in signal processing
- 先产生一个周期和PWM波相同的周期信号,然后给定一个值,如果这个周期信号大于给定值则输出低电平,否则输出高电平所以,通过控制给定值的大小就可以控制Pwm的占空比了-First generating a cycle and the same cycle of the PWM wave signal, and then given a value, the output is low if this periodic signal is greater than a given value, oth
- 用图形对混沌状态进行判别,比较直观的反应了混沌状态到大尺度周期状态的跃迁过程-Chaotic state to discriminate graphical, intuitive reaction to the chaotic state to the large-scale periodic state transition process
- 用书数字信号的时域和频域处理,方便信号与系统和数字信号处理的学习。-Book digital signal the time domain and frequency domain processing, and to facilitate the learning of the signal and the system and digital signal processing.
- 周期信号的时频域描述,用于数字信号处理等相关领域的编程和学习。-Periodic signal time-frequency domain descr iption
- 此程序用于周期信号的周期识别、单周期峰谷值的识别-This program is used to the cycle of the periodic signal identification, identification of single-cycle peak value
- 1.定时器原理 Timer,能产生特定的周期性中断。这个中断可以看作是操作系统心脏的脉动,用于实现时间的延时和确认超时。时钟节拍的频率越高,系统用于处理时钟中断的额外开销也越大。 W90P710 的24位 Timer 含有两个通道,分别是 Timer0 和 Timer1。每个通道有一个独立的时钟源,每隔一定时间,计数寄存器的值减 1,当计数寄存器的值达到零时,就会触发一次中断。设计通用软件可以在每个中断发生时加 1,达到计数的目的。 -timer principle
- 机械振动信号的自相关分析,对其进行周期成分检测-Autocorrelation analysis of mechanical vibration signals to detect its periodic components
- 提取淹没在噪声中的周期信号要求自相关(以判断周期)和互相关(以恢复信号自身)-Extraction drowned in the noise requirements of a periodic signal autocorrelation (to determine the cycle) and cross-correlation (to restore the signal itself)
- 共轭梯度算法解三维变周期边界条件泊松方程,MPI并行计算和串行计算各一份实例-Conjugate gradient algorithm solving the three-dimensional Poisson equation with periodic boundary conditions, by MPI parallel computing and serial computation
- 周期信号加上白噪声,通过在matlab中,用XCORR函数,求出周期信号,干扰信号,和观测信号的自相关函数,三者互相进行比较-Periodic signal plus white noise in matlab by using XCORR function, the autocorrelation function of a periodic signal is obtained, the interference signal, and the observed signals, compa
- 利用labvie图形化编程方式产生周期性噪声信号-use labview to produce Periodic noise signal
- This the source code for creating a dynamic Report , This report that teach you How to create dynamic Report ,the example is for the periodic table -This is the source code for creating a dynamic Report , This report that teach you How to create dyna