- 本课程设计即为词法分析阶段。词法分析阶段是编译过程的第一个阶段。这个阶段的任务是从左到右一个字符一个字符地读入源程序,对构成源程序的字符流进行扫描和分解,从而识别出一个个单词(也称单词符号或符号)。如保留字(关键字或基本字)、标志符、常数、算符和界符等等。-the curriculum design shall lexical analysis stage. Lexical analysis stage of the process is to compile the first phase.
- 考虑幅值谱与相位谱的人造地震动模拟与反应谱拟合 我国对《建筑结构抗震规范》进行了修订,将设计反应谱周期由原来的3秒延长到现在的6秒。反应谱周期的延长。 本程序以新规范反应谱作为目标谱,采用三角级数迭加来模拟地震动加速度。-consider amplitude spectrum and phase spectrum of the artificial seismic simulation and pattern fitting response to China's &quo
- CpuWHelper 一个专用于得复制Delphi IDE的CPU窗口中的汇编代码的工具。本书中的所有调试期的代码都是这样得到的。-CpuWHelper dedicated to a copy of Delphi IDE in the CPU window Meeting series code tool. Book all debugging phase of the code are such find.
- 数字系统设计这是有关的相关源代码,有简易CPU 除法器、计数器等 ...[fpdiv_vhdl.rar] - 四位除法器的vhdl源程序 [vhdl范例.rar] - 最高优先级编码器8位相等比较器 三人表决器(三种不同的描述方式) 加法器描述 8位总线收发器:74245 (注2) 地址译码(for m68008) 多路选择器(使 BR> ... -Digital System Design This is the underlying source code, a simple C
- 由于时间紧迫及事先准备不足,编译器最后定型时暴露出不少问题及不足之处,主要有以下一些方面: 不支持数组数据类型,这是文法分析器设计时的一个疏漏,由于时间关系,最后只得把扫描器中已做好的相关的数组部分删去。 对于float数据类型的支持,直到语义分析都是正常的,也能生成相应的汇编代码,但由于我们对8086/8088指令系统本身了解不足,这样的汇编代码将只能做到含义上完全忠实于源程序,但不能运行。 对于局部变量的支持,则于时间紧迫,所有的局部变量全被处理成静态变量。使递归函数不能得到正确
Lattice Boltzmann Method 模拟单相流体
- Lattice Boltzmann Method 模拟单相流体,LBM simulation for single phase flow
- hex code for controlling a TSA5511 phase locked loop chip using a PIC16F84 Also drives a standard 16x1 LCD display. function 16F84(A) L.C.D. notes 0V 5 1, 5 +5 volt 4, 14 2, 3 Display enable 2 6 SCL 17 needs 10k pullup to +
- MATLAB Code for Optimal Quincunx Filter Bank Design Yi Chen July 17, 2006 This file introduces the MATLAB code that implements the two algorithms (i.e., Algorithms 1 and 2 in [1], or Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2 in [2]) used for the construction
- 词法分析 1 试验目的 设计,编制并调试一个此法分析程序,加深对此法分原理的理解. 2 试验要求 1)待分析的简单语言的词法 * 关键字: begin if then while do end 所有关键字都是小写. 2)运算符和界符: : = + * - / < <= <> > >= = ( ) # 3)其他单词是标识符(ID)和整数型常数(NUM),通过一下正规式定义: ID=lette
- ex9_1 脉冲信号调制 ex9_2 载波10MHz,带宽2MHz的线性调频信号及其频谱图 ex9_3 产生7位巴克码编码的二相码 ex9_4 产生7位巴克码和线性调频的混合调制信号 ex9_5 瑞利分布实现程序 ex9_6 瑞利分布+杂波 ex9_7 相关对数正态分布杂波 ex9_8 相关weibull分布杂波 ex9_9 相干相关K分布杂波 ex9_10 线性调频信号的数字化正交解调 ex9_11 雷达脉冲压缩处理 ex9_12 二相编码信号的脉压
- this the second phase of hmm code-this is the second phase of hmm code
- Purpose: Contains example code to use a two-phase encoder with an ATmega2561. The encoder phases are connected to PORTF bits 0 & 1 and the switch is connected to PORTF bit 2. Timer 1 is configured to interrupt at 1024Hz. At startup, the enco
- Assembly code for field oriented control of a three phase induction motor using a TMS320 DSP. Makes use of a sensor and reference frame transformation to set the required torque and flux for field weakening.
- the code fot thre inverte on th microcontroller
- As the figure above illustrates, a phase accumulator compares the sample clock and desired frequency to increment a phase register. Again, the fundamental idea is that we can generate signals with precise frequencies by generating an appropriate samp
- 基于labview8.6的数字相敏检波算法源码,高精度实现测量低信噪比条件下正弦波幅值和初相的测量-Based labview8.6 digital phase-sensitive detection algorithm source code, to achieve high-precision measurement of the amplitude and the initial phase of the sine wave measured under low SNR
- 雷达通信一体化系统,针对非波动目标以及波动目标的雷达探测性能分析。-he dual-frequency MPPSK-MODEM platform is a flexible one. When ranging accuracy request is low or platform is particularly affected by power limitations, the platform would perform both data transmission and range me
- D. C. Ghiglia and M. D. Pritt, Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: Theory, Algorithms, and Software. New York: Wiley, 1998. 相位展开,经典读物的源码-D. C. Ghiglia and M. D. Pritt, Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: Theory, Algorithms, and Software. New York: Wiley,
- 常见的相位解缠算法所需的代码,如枝切法,质量图路径跟踪,最小二乘法等-Common phase unwrapping algorithm code needed
Two-Phase Code
- 该代码是模拟油水两相流,用于石油行业或水文行业。(Apply two-phase flow)