- 光学设计软件zemax源码: This DLL models an nular aspheric surface as described in: \"Annular surfaces in annular field systems\" By Jose M. Sasian Opt. eng. 36 (12) P 3401-3401 December 1997 This surface is essentially an odd aspheric surfa
- crc任意位生成多项式 任意位运算 自适应算法 循环冗余校验码(CRC,Cyclic Redundancy Code)是采用多项式的 编码方式,这种方法把要发送的数据看成是一个多项式的系数 ,数据为bn-1bn-2…b1b0 (其中为0或1),则其对应的多项式为: bn-1Xn-1+bn-2Xn-2+…+b1X+b0 例如:数据“10010101”可以写为多项式 X7+X4+X2+1。 循环冗余校验CRC 循环冗余校验方法的原理如下: (1) 设要发送的数据对应的多项式为P(x)。 (2) 发送
- #include <stdio.h> #include<cstdlib> int W[4] ,R[4] ,C[4] int P[5]={0,3,3,1,1} int Q[5]={2,3,1,1,1}
- Double被关在了一个机关密室里,他必须在200步内把箱子放回原处才能逃出升天。 他唯一的救命稻草就是他的手机,里面只有你的号码。开动你的脑筋救他一命。 蓝色为Double,黄色为箱子,白色为墙壁,红色为目的地,当箱子放到目的地时, 箱子会变绿 游戏操作: 上:上箭头 下:下箭头 左:左箭头 右:右箭头 重来:r 退出:q
- 用汇编语言来使键盘成为一个演奏音乐的电子琴。高音依次1,2,3,4,5,6,7 。中音依次为q,w,e,r,t,y,u 。低音依次为a,s,d,f,g,h,j
- Dos下屏蔽热启动,想要重启的话先按下Ctrl+Alt+Del,松开Del键,然后按R键则重 启,按Q键则关机-Dos under thermal shielding started, and wanted to resume the first pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del, loosen Del keys, then R button will resume by Q keys were shutdown
- 电子琴 高音依次为1,2,3,4,5,6,7 中音依次为q,w,e,r,t,y,u 低音依次为a,s,d,f,g,h,j-Treble flower followed by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Alto followed by q, w, e, r, t, y, u bass followed by a, s, d, f, g, h, j
- 卡尔曼滤波程序: kalman filtering-load initial_track s y:initial data,s:data with noise T=0.1 yp denotes the sample value of position yv denotes the sample value of velocity Y=[yp(n) yv(n)] error deviation caused by the random acce
- 设计内容为建立一个动态五角星,具体为程序运行时调用子程序help显示提示信息,按下任意键调用BIOS画一个五角星,用空格键改变五角星颜色,用上下左右键改变五角星的位置,按键e 扩大五角星,r缩小五角星,Esc 退出该程序.-Design elements for the establishment of a dynamic five-pointed star, the specific subroutine for the program is running display help mess
- 有一些可能的符号K, A, N, C, E, p, q, r, s, t 。一个合式公式是符合以下条 件的字符串: • p, q, r, s, 和t 是合式公式 • 如果w 是合式公式,Nw 是合式公式 • 如果w 和x 是合式公式,Kwx, Awx, Cwx, 和Ewx 是合式公式。-There are some of the possible symbols K, A, N, C, E, P, Q, R, S T. A well-formed f
- 运用matla编写的一个小游戏界面,能够对矩阵进行LU分解,希望读者能从中得到启发-Your goal is to use LUGUI to compute the LU decompositions of nine matrices with as little roundoff error as possible. Your score for each hole is norm(R,inf)+norm(Leps,inf)+norm(Ueps,inf) where R = L*
- 逐步回归分析的fortran程序,(I为变换次数,矩阵为R(I),Q为剩余平方和,SD为剩余标准差,F为显著性检验值,R为复相关系数,B为回归系数)-Stepwise regression analysis fortran program, (I was converted number matrix R (I), Q is the residual sum of squares, SD for the residual standard deviation, F is significant
- 基于Delphi的二维码生成及其打印,直接载入Excel表格,直接生成二维码,直接打印。-请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Jīyú Delphi de èr wéi mǎ shēngchéng jí qí dǎyìn, zhíjiē zài rù Excel biǎogé, zhíjiē shēngchéng èr wéi mǎ, zhíjiē dǎyìnDelphi-based two-dimensional code generation and printing, di
- this code is about QRS detection in ECG signal. you have to enter the signal data, and the output is the position of the Q and R and S wave.
- 1) Write a C++ program that receives a single letter and prints out the corresponding digit on the telephone. The letters and digits on a telephone are grouped this way: (30 points) 2= ABC 3 = DEF 4 = GHI 5 = JKL 6 = MNO 7 = PRS 8 = TUV 9 = WXY
- 用Labview程序控制Keithley公司6517A静电计,2400仪表实现对样品I-V、Q-T、R-T等测量,用Lakeshore监控样品温度。所有程序实时显示测量数据并存储数据。-Labview program control using Keithley electrometer 6517A Company, 2400 Instrumentationin sample IV, QT, RT and other measurements, monitoring sample tempera
- Ctrl+Shift+Q 老板键同时静音-Press Ctrl+Shift+Q to hide what u r doing(&sound)
- SensorPositons: (Dim x M) matrix, each column is a sensor position and first column is the reference sensor the sensors should not lie in one plane or line r: a (M-1) x 1 vector of TDOA measurements times signal propagation speed M is t
- SensorPositons: (Dim x M) matrix, each column is a sensor position and first column is the reference sensor the sensors should not lie in one plane or line r: a (M-1) x 1 vector of TDOA measurements times signal propagation speed M is t