Uniform Generator
- Uniform Generator Computer simulations often require random numbers. One way to generate pseudo-random numbers is via a function of the form where `` " is the modulus operator. Such a function will generate pseudo-random numbers (
- 提供两个函数,通过均匀分布函数来生成正态分布随机数。-Provides two functions, the uniform distribution function to generate normal random numbers.
- 拉丁超立方抽样,调用方式如下:S=lhs(m,dist,mu,sigma,lowb,upb) m: a scalar,the number of sample points dist: A row with distribution type flags of basic random variables the value of the flag can be 1 (for uniform distribution, 2(for normal distribution), 3
- 使用低通滤波器从含有噪声的信号中提取有用的正弦波 (见实验指导书 实验九 数字滤波器中的第一题) 目的:用数字滤波器从含有高频噪声的采样数据中提取正弦信号。 要求:①输入信号为一正弦波,并加入一个白噪声的干扰来模拟信号传输中的随机干扰信号(用以模拟含有噪声采样序列)。 (模拟含有噪声采样序列具体可用正弦波信号叠加高频噪声来实现,为了使滤波效果明显,本实验的高频噪声是用高频均匀分布白噪声(Uniform)通过Butterworth高通滤波器过滤生成的,高通滤波器的截止频率设为10