- Speech Recognition Using DTW This is a English/Persian 0~9 digit and some primary English/Persian command recognition system which use Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). Code is developed in MATLAB 6.5 and can used in Windows platform. Program has two
- GUI for acquiring Heart sound using analog input of PC. Connect in MIC port and click record button. Very useful for Heart beat monitoring.-GUI for acquiring Heart sound using analog input of PC. Connect in MIC port and click record button.
- 1. 给一段原始的语音信号(可以是自己录制的一段语音),加上一频率为3.8kHz的高频余弦噪声和频率为3.6kHz的高频正弦噪声(幅度自己可以选择),用窗函数设计一滤波器(要求最小阻带衰减为50dB)对加噪后的语音信号进行滤波,画出滤波器的频率响应曲线,画出滤波前后的时域图和频谱图。 需要用到的函数: fir1 用窗函数设计FIR滤波器的函数 2. 用GUI设计一界面(如图1所示)完成如下功能: 1) 输入一语音信号,画出语音信号的时域图和频谱图; 2) 对语音信号加噪处理,
- 在matlab平台利用GUI界面实现录音,播放。并对语音信号进行频谱分析,特定人语音识别,混响,混频等基础功能。(On the MATLAB platform, the GUI interface is used to record and play. And the speech signal spectrum analysis, specific speech recognition, reverberation, mixing and other basic functions.)