- 可在系统引导时工作的RootKit,较简单 1) It s very small.The basic framework is just about 100 lines of assembly code.It supports 2000,XP,2003 2) It patches the kernel at runtime(no files are patched on disk).(basic version has this code removed , so as other
- //*** *** *** *** *** *** *** // MSP430x1xx Demo - Software Toggle P1.0 // // Descr iption Toggle P1.0 by xor ing P1.0 inside of a software loop. // ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO // // MSP430x1xx // ----------------- // /|\\
- Clk表示用到的时钟信号源,Rst表示复位信号,每次复位后彩灯默认从第一种变幻模式开始变化;SelMode表示变化模式选择,每按一次改换一种变幻模式,共3中模式可供选择;输出信号量:LED[6..0]用于显示模式,Light[7..0]用于8个发光二极管的显示。
- 异步FIFO模块: module asynfifo(rst,iclk,oclk,din,wren,rden,dout,full,empty) 异步FIFO的tenchbench: module tb_asynfifo
- 大唐电信卡读写程序,兼容4406和4436,DTTC28卡,RST CLK SDA-Datang Telecom Card Reader procedures compatible with 4406 and 4436, DTTC28 cards, RST CLK SDA
- x5043/45 E2PROM ,RST,汇编语言读写程序,-x5043/45 E2PROM, RST, reading and writing assembly language procedures,
- Segmentation of structure in medical images is an important research topic. It has applications in patient diagnoses, image-guided surgery, and medical data visualization. One approach to solving this problem is the use of active contours or \s
- reduces to a standard Hamilton-Jacobi equation. There are several major advantages to this formulation. The rst is that (x y t) always remains a function as long as F is smooth. As the surface evolves, the curve C may break, merge, and chan
- PS2键盘协议代码 verilog,可以在ISE上跑,约束条件:NET"F50M" LOC="B8" NET"ps2_clk" LOC="R12" NET"ps2_data" LOC="P11" NET"rst" LOC="H13" NET"seg[6]" LOC="L18" NET"seg[5]" LOC="F18" NET"seg[4]" LOC="D17" NET"seg[3]" LOC="D16" NET"seg[2]" LOC="G14"