- Some codes to drive a SPI LCD(ST7735 driver) the code are Keil uVision2 project and for W78E516B microcontroller, but it is very easy to redefine them for other microcontroller.-Some codes to drive a SPI LCD(ST7735 driver) the code are Keil uVision2
- 用VHDL写的一个SPI接口程,调试通过,曾多次用项目中,感非常好用,与大家分享。-Use VHDL to write an SPI interface process, debugging is passed, with the project on several occasions, the flu is very useful to share with you.
- ect uart to pc .my AVR chip project is Mega8 that you can program on any Avr chip have 2kbyte rom. In bascsoftware spi configure have low speed into hardware spi.
- SPI using proteus project. css compiler
- This rar file archive contains the MPLAB project and proteus project for PIC18f242, connected to virtual terminal (used USART) and EEPROM 25AA040 (used SPI). USART: 8 bit data in packet, 1 stop-bit, without parity bit, frequency 9600 b