- Descr iption: This Program Performs the following: (1) Animates the movement of a Billiard Ball on a table that has a surface friction (mu) and coefficient of restitution (e) for the sides and saves it as an AVI file. (2) Outputs series of row
- 建立一个四箭头的球,当点击球时,就会触发事件,x,y值的增减取决于您点击球的位置-Height-directions trackball This component creates a graphical ball with four-way arrows. If you click on the ball, an event is triggered with X and Y incremental values depending on where you click on the
- cocos2d-x中 Box2d 项目中的demo 关于球的建立 -The Box2d ball establishment
- ball structure, which members containing the coordinates of the center of the ball in space and the diameter of the ball. Poster contains the coordinates of the center of the ball to be implemented as an integer array (contain the coordinates x, y, z
- 学生搭配问题 一班有m个女生,有n个男生(m不等于n),现要开一个舞会. 男女生分别编号坐在舞池的两边的椅子上.每曲开始时,依次从男生和女生中各出一人配对跳舞, 本曲没成功配对者坐着等待下一曲找舞伴. 请设计一系统模拟动态地显示出上述过程,要求如下: 1) 输出每曲配对情况 2) 计算出任何一个男生(编号为X)和任意女生(编号为Y),在第K曲配对跳舞的情况.至少求出K的两个值. 3) 尽量设计出多种算法及程序,可视情况适当加分 提示:用队列来解决比较方便. -S