- 从键盘输入一串可显示字符(以回车符结束),并按字母、数字、空格分 类计数,然后分别显示出这三类统计的结果。-From the keyboard a string of can display character (in line breaks ended), and the letters, Numbers, space, points Kind of count, then show the three kinds of statistics are the results.
- 分类统计字符个数count_char 要求程序接受用户输入一行字符(字符个数不得超过80个,该字符串以回车符结束)按字母 数字和其他字符分类计数,然后将结果分三行分别显示出来,并标明哪类字符! -Categories Statistics count_char number of characters to accept user input requirements of the procedure and his characters (the number of characte
- 输入一个字符串,扫描该字符串,按数字、字母和特殊字符3类,把字符分类输出到屏幕,并计算其中数字字符的和,把求得的和以十进制数的形式输出到屏幕。-Enter a string, the string scanning, numbers, letters and special characters are three types of character output to the screen, and calculate one of the numeric characters, to ob
- 输入一个字符串,扫描该字符串,按数字、字母和特殊字符3类,把字符分类输出到屏幕,并计算其中数字字符的和,把求得的和以十进制数的形式输出到屏幕。-Enter a string, the string scanning, numbers, letters and special characters are three types of character output to the screen, and calculate one of the numeric characters, to ob
- 1. 声明通讯录类cComm包含姓名(Char*类型)、地址(char[50]类型)、订货量(int型)、总量(int型,静态数据成员),默认构造函数(分别用"David"、"Long island"、200)、复制构造函数、输出函数。使用c0、c1("Tina","Weiland mur",150)、c2(c1)、c3("Wei fei")、c4("Wash Lehn","Washington")检验,并输出四个订货量的总和) 2. 设计词典cDic类,从列表{asdfghjkl}查找对应