- The HIH-3610 Series humidity sensor is designed specifically for high volume OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) users. Direct input to a controller or other device is made possible by this sensor’s linear voltage output. With a typical curre
- 本系统由单片机系统、LED 显示、交通灯演示系统组成。以单片机8051为中心器件来设计交通灯控制器,实现了通过P2口使红绿灯循环点亮 ,倒计时剩5秒时黄灯闪烁警示,通过P3口在LED数码显示管显示倒计时,本系统可靠性强、操作简单。-The system consists of single-chip system, LED display, traffic light demonstration system. As the center of the device to the microco
- lcd一般是有很多数据口的,而连上LCD控制器后,主控器件,比如单片机,只需要对LCD控制器进行访问就可以控制LCD了,至于你发的字型码,其实是发给LCD控制器,由LCD控制器转成相应的数据和时钟再送给LCD本身,所以才会显示不同的数据.-lcd generally have a lot of data port, and even after the LCD controller, the master device, such as SCM, only need to access the
- the real power and reactive power waveform of STATCOM device with PI controller. The system settles down depending upon the gain values of PI controller. Due to the higher values of gain in PI controller, it causes peak overshoot in waveform at i