- Tiny Planet is small device connected to a GSM cell phone. When the mobile receives a predefined SMS (text message), like "Activate burglar alarm" or "Start backup pump", the circuit automatically recognizes it as a command, and switches the output p
- 抢答计时器 汇编语言 包含器件:8255 8253 七段数码显示管 在按下开关后开始计时-Answer in the timer assembly language Contains the device: 82,558,253 segment digital display tube Start time after the switch is pressed
- 定时器控制LED灯由单片机内部定时器1,按方式1工作,即作为16位定时器使用每0.05秒钟T1溢出中断一次。P1口的P1.0-P1.7分别接八个发光二极管。编写程序模拟时序控制装置。开机后第一秒钟L1,L3亮,第二秒钟L2,L4亮,第三秒钟L5,L7亮,第四秒钟L6,L8亮,第五秒钟L1,L3,L5,L7亮,第六秒钟L2,L4,L6,L8亮,第七秒钟八个LED灯全亮,第八秒钟全灭,以后又从头开始,L1,L3亮,然后L2,L4亮……一直循环下去。 -LED lights a timer con
- 编写程序控制音乐发生器和LED工作使他们组成声光报警装置,自己设置按键来控制音乐发生器启停。-Write a program to control the music generator and LED work to make them audible alarm device composition, set up their own start and stop buttons to control music generator.